Soul Survivor. It's pacing was a bit funky. So was some of the acting. Lots of talking.
-- would Sam have killed Dean? he stepped back and dropped the knife because Cas was there. Would he have done it otherwise? Or let Dean kill him?
-- the shot after Cas says to Sam, "this is easier," is odd. The focus goes from Cas to Sam as Sam gives Cas a look. I am wondering what it is that Sam is supposed to be thinking. Is he feeling guilty? Wondering At how Cas has changed? Thinking about his own pain? I dunno. Usually that kind of shift in focus means something
-- why not give us a short talk between Sam and Dean rather than give us a tag scene that has zero association to what happened in the previous 50 minutes?
-- why does the Dean/Cas scene play like Cas is leaving. He told Sam he would Dean-sit while Sam fetched food. Cas goes and talks and then, what? Goes and sits out on the main hall?
--does Dean look angry to anyone else after Sam says, "Welcome back?" It is the very last look before commercial.
-- why does Cas refer to Hannah as "a female" when he could have said her name and Dean would have known who she was? More,why is she still sitting in the car? I suppose she wouldn't care as she isn't human.
-- as a director, Jensen Likes to pan down, then up. He likes to use the line of sight of the primary character, and he likes a surprise reveal. He is learning but has some smoothness to achieve. I suspect he will have ore opportunity.
-- I will miss Demon Dean. He allowed Jensen a freedom he hasn't had as Dean in a long time.