here is his latest dispatch:
I’m sitting here on my bunk, sipping strong coffee and listening to Crass. You punk rockers out there can understand the relevance of the latter. Writing was the last thing I intended to do when I got everything together a few minutes ago. But here I am.
By now I’ve received a rundown of all the June events held in various cities around the world this year. I am constantly amazed at the level of support I have received over the years. A day does not go by that I am not incredibly thankful to each and every one of you. And while most of you remain nameless and faceless to me you have earned a special place in my heart.
The last several months I’ve put a lot of thought into my support network and groups. And I’ve come to the conclusion that we have different goals. To the amazing credit of my friends and the people I work with, they have tried (and succeeded) in building an international campaign for my release. This outpouring of support has brought joyful tears to my eyes more than once.
I want to go home. I want it more than any "free" person can imagine. But, I don’t want to come home to the same world I left. In the five years I’ve been in prison things have only gotten worse. The sad truth is that while support has grown for environmental and social justice movements worldwide our ability to create change has waned. Even the ability of moderate and mainstream groups to lobby reform has become languid. The media, better than anyone, has shown the dividing lines: the liberals versus the right. Despite the various factions existing in both camps, one thing is clear - no one is disputing the fact that there is an "us and them." Regardless of which group you identify with your enemy is clearly defined - he’s on the other side.
I know that my name graces internet hit lists; that those who label me a terrorist never want me to see the light of day. I know that my sentence is as much about punishing my beliefs as it is about intimidating you. The world is not dying, it is being killed. It is being killed by the same governments and same corporations that are killing people.
The best way that anyone can support me is not by asking for my freedom, but by demanding your own. Support me by fighting back. We are all in this together, only the size of our cages differs.
They only have power because we have yet to recognize our own. The passion that rules our hearts must be unleashed. Great acts are not born of great men or women. They are born of ordinary people who dare to fight for a dream. Please, on my knees I beg you, be as daring as the world you believe in. Fight for it as if all you hold sacred is on the line. Because, it just might be.
Jeffrey "Free" Luers
2605 State Street
Salem, OR 97310