day 10: sex

Nov 11, 2008 02:46

What is sex? For you all?

I've had several conversations with people over the last few months about sex and what it is. So I thought it would be an interesting topic to discuss in LJLAND. What is it? When is it happening? Who is making it happen? When do you know its done?

I've heard a few people describe sex so so differently. For instance one person suggested that sex can start in conversations. I guess that makes sense if you're talking to someone and you are turned on. Its possible to even have a complete orgasm while having a conversation. But I don't know if that's when I'd call it sex. It feels like there has to be someone else involved in some fashion, physically. I don't know that I would call masturbation sex either.

I dunno! haha.

nablopomo day 10

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