Title: The World Keeps Spinning
Rating: T (at the moment)
Pairing: Huddy
Summary: Cuddy just wants his sperm, really. House likes the sex, but likes Lisa even more. Now he's going to be a father, whether he likes it or not! AU
Chapter 1 House knew he was just a glorified sperm donor. It let him spend time with Cuddy though, and that was all
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Comments 7
This is so intriguing! I like the way you pictured House...but most of all...I like the way he plans to leave every time, and yet, wishes he could spend his entire life in Cuddy's bet.
And, ok, I'm repetitive, but the image of Cuddy dancing around the hospital is just amazingly sweet and beautiful, and so full of affection and love, that listening to House actually saying it would melt my heart.
I need the next chapter and I need it NOW!
Will Cuddy find the courage to let him in her life? I mean, completely, with no wall, no protection at all? Will House let himself free to love her and his child? Will Wilson do something wholly Wilsonish in order to get HuddyFamily happen???
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