Any of y'all that have been to my apartment know that it's pretty rad. 2 bed 1.5 bath with a den/bigass closet and two huge living rooms, incredible view of the fountain lake in Byrd Park from the best porch in town, easy parking, close to everything, central air that doesn't put a giant leaking hole in your pocket, gas stove for lots of cooking (and I cook pretty much constantly) (oh, and it's good food and there's plenty to go around), awesome hardwood floors, a friendly and fuzzy kitty (I don't think she'd be into dogs, but another cat is discussable), cable, hispeed wireless internet, kickass neighbors, and basically everything else you'd ever want from an apartment.
I need someone by August 1 at the latest, and conceivably you could move in before then.
I work a ton of hours a week, and sometimes I do work from home too, but I also enjoy getting my swerve on. Your swerving would be appreciated as a straightedge kid would probably be not into the place.
We'd get along well if you are not a slob but not a neatnick either, if you work a little more than full time or are in graduate school, and if you like listening to some fairly bizarre records every now and then. Also if you are not neurotic about that one time I had a sip of your milk. Also also if you occasionally purchase replacement toilet paper and of the same quality as the original style, i.e. soft and nonchafing.
Price tag kind of depends, I'm negotiating the new lease with the landlord (who never comes in and is hardly there at all) currently. The most it will be is $450 + utilities.
Respond here with interest/questions or catch me on email: