edit:in other news I made laundry detergent and after 3 days my skin is perfectly happy(hive free) so I go from $11 for one gallon of detergent to maybe... 1.75 for three gallons
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I hope we get this house. I want an edible garden SO BADLY!
Have you grown bell peppers before? I have never done any gardening and peppers are the thing I'm most excited to grow since I go through a ton of them. Are the difficult?
The slugs ate my peppers last year the ones that did make it were VERY tasty though, this year I'm making self-watering containers and plan to have them in my dads upper yard (we are neighbors) where there is the most sun and I plan to circle the containers with diatomaceous earth and hopefully we will have better luck this year!
let me look through my seeds and i'll post sometime this week what I have and what i'm looking for. I know I have eggplant, coriander, and a ton of pea and bean varieties. :)
1. grate one bar of Fels-Naptha Laundry Bar Soap 2 add grated soap slowly to 4 cups of water boiling on the stove stirring frequently till dissolved 3. fill 5 gallon bucket with 3 gallons of hot tap water mix in 1/2 c borax and 1/2c washing soda (or 1 cup baking soda-which is what I did since I couldn’t find any washing soda) while stirring add the fels-Naptha solution stir till completely mixed. Let sit overnight and use ¼-1/2 cup per load of laundry; you will have to shake or stir as it settles and it is rather… “boogery” in consistency you can use whatever bar soap you want -or so the internet says- and add some essential oils if you prefer scented soap. I didn’t add any scents to mine :)
the big box or borax and baking soda will make MANY batches
I'll package up seeds tomorrow. I know in a previous post I had mentioned some of the plants I have seeds for, but I don't think I included all, so I'll add a few more here. Any interest in the following:
Nasturniums Korean Mint (aniseed hyssop) Lovage Sweet Cecily Hibiscus Milk Thistle Good King Henry Sweet William Summer Savory Salad Burnet Corn Salad Chervil Violets Amaranth Hollyhocks
You mentioned sorrel in your email... I'll have to check tomorrow, but I think I might have some of those seeds too. Shall I send some your way?
I'll take a small amount of; Lovage Amaranth Anise Hyssop Salad Burnet Corn salad if you have them to spare, and you can have more than just the herbs too you know even if you decide later on that have room/the light I can send them out :) if you haven't packaged them up yet would you mind my switching blessed thistle for milk thistle I think I would have more use for that in the long run...
Jer actually ordered the sorrel and Piriform as a valentines gift ;) Thank you though!!
Comments 9
Have you grown bell peppers before? I have never done any gardening and peppers are the thing I'm most excited to grow since I go through a ton of them. Are the difficult?
2 add grated soap slowly to 4 cups of water boiling on the stove stirring frequently till dissolved
3. fill 5 gallon bucket with 3 gallons of hot tap water mix in 1/2 c borax and 1/2c washing soda (or 1 cup baking soda-which is what I did since I couldn’t find any washing soda) while stirring add the fels-Naptha solution stir till completely mixed. Let sit overnight and use ¼-1/2 cup per load of laundry; you will have to shake or stir as it settles and it is rather… “boogery” in consistency you can use whatever bar soap you want -or so the internet says- and add some essential oils if you prefer scented soap. I didn’t add any scents to mine :)
the big box or borax and baking soda will make MANY batches
I'll package up seeds tomorrow. I know in a previous post I had mentioned some of the plants I have seeds for, but I don't think I included all, so I'll add a few more here. Any interest in the following:
Korean Mint (aniseed hyssop)
Sweet Cecily
Milk Thistle
Good King Henry
Sweet William
Summer Savory
Salad Burnet
Corn Salad
You mentioned sorrel in your email... I'll have to check tomorrow, but I think I might have some of those seeds too. Shall I send some your way?
Anise Hyssop
Salad Burnet
Corn salad
if you have them to spare, and you can have more than just the herbs too you know even if you decide later on that have room/the light I can send them out :)
if you haven't packaged them up yet would you mind my switching blessed thistle for milk thistle I think I would have more use for that in the long run...
Jer actually ordered the sorrel and Piriform as a valentines gift ;) Thank you though!!
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