Ex-cuse me? Tsk. Are you talkin' to me? Did you rub my lamp? Did you wake me up?....divinefishApril 7 2005, 21:27:29 UTC
....And all of a sudden, you're walkin' out on me? Oun't think so! ...
hee hee What shitty winter? Not if you're a member of the RI Crew! I've had a great - well, OK it wasn't totally fabulous - but a pretty damn good winter, thanks to the RI Crew. I wouldn't be fucking ALIVE after this winter if it weren't for the RI Crew. And besides, I exfoliated my face at the same time. Cute pictures, if I do say so myself. Our winter best, of course
Gross.... <--- Born a greasy punk, always a greasy punk. I haven't even cut my hair since the Queer Eye for the Straight Guy thing... speaking of which, where are those pictures, hrm?
lol... more like a greasy old man :-) I didn't get good pix that day, it was the VIDEO we focused on, which i STILL need to watch. Damn wow has gotten in the way of EVERYTHING. Still haven't seen the First Night footage yet....
I have a sooting aloe peel off mask...that I never use. It's too ooey and gooey and I have good skin anyways so I am afraid I will break out if I use it.
What the fuck dude, why haven't we hung out yet? HUH? HUH!!!!! TELL ME RIGHT NOW, DO ME!
oooh maybe an aloe masque wouldn't have kicked our asses the way the mudd did lol... that shit fucking BURNED! We were all just sitting there like "owww.... how much longer does this need to say on..."
dude, i dunno why we never hang out lol... pwobabwy cuz im a lazy bitch lol.
my icon is actually an art piece i created :) the bigger version is HERE.... not that it gives u any interpretation lol... but who needs all that jumble :-)
I gotta jump on this nailpolish thing.... I think y'all have something there :-) I used to just freeze the underwear of the first person passed out lol...
inserting terrible comment heredivinefishApril 9 2005, 00:28:08 UTC
or WALLETS b/c some of us get stagefright about flashing others. :-X but, hey, there's always next time. why? BECAUSE TABBY WILL ALWAYS THROUGH ANOTHER PARTY SOME TIME!!!! :-)
Comments 52
Hey Tabz, guess what? I'm 5 weeks pregnant ^^
OMG!!!! I am a BAD BAD BAD LJ FRIEND! I need to catch up on a lot of shit I guess.... congrats! How is all that goin' for ya???
hee hee What shitty winter? Not if you're a member of the RI Crew! I've had a great - well, OK it wasn't totally fabulous - but a pretty damn good winter, thanks to the RI Crew. I wouldn't be fucking ALIVE after this winter if it weren't for the RI Crew. And besides, I exfoliated my face at the same time. Cute pictures, if I do say so myself. Our winter best, of course
well, compared to the shit we do in the warmer seasons, winter is pretty dulled out. Just wait til summer girl, NEW POOL! BOO YAH!
yeah, even when we have burning mudd masques on we're still cute <3
<--- Born a greasy punk, always a greasy punk. I haven't even cut my hair since the Queer Eye for the Straight Guy thing... speaking of which, where are those pictures, hrm?
What the fuck dude, why haven't we hung out yet? HUH? HUH!!!!! TELL ME RIGHT NOW, DO ME!
dude, i dunno why we never hang out lol... pwobabwy cuz im a lazy bitch lol.
*makes out with you hardcore*
That's the closest to make up I've had on since I painted my own nails when I was 18. (they were painted either dark green, black, or dark purple...)
oh and I think I fucked with my moms makeup when I was like 4. Does that count?
I MISS YOU!!! Where' have you been hiding!!!
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