LOG: Tachibana/Shishido/Chitose. NC-17 ZOMG!!!! Totally and utterly IC. Obviously. DUH. NOT A CRACK LOG AT ALL, WHAT ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT???
Shishido: *knocks at Tachibana's door*
Tachibana: *throws said door open* SHISHIDO!
Shishido: *opens his arms open* TACHIBANA. DO ME.
Tachibana: *music plays* OF COURSE! TO MY ROOM.
Shishido: *leaps into Tachibana's arms* CARRY ME. *pauses* Wait. Eff that, Tachibana! Do me here!
Tachibana: On the kitchen table? *__*
Shishido: Of course! *gestures for the kitchen*
Chitose: *walks in out of the bedroom because he came into Tokyo last night* *stares* What the fuck, Kippei.
Tachibana: *IGNORES* Away with you, Senri. *carries Shishido TO THE KITCHEN*
Shishido: *_* I'm so happy!
Chitose: *pissed* Are you actually cheating on me, you bastard? I know we were going to keep our relationship a secret so that we wouldn't have to deal with your parents, but...
Tachibana: *exasperated* Senri, you KNOW I love you, but there are some things that just can't be passed up. Girlfriends, threesomes, Tezuka, and doing Shishido on the kitchen table fall under that category.
Shishido: *strips down to nothing* THIS IS TAKING TOO LONG.
Chitose: *pauses* ... *still not pleased* Only if I get to top him first, Kippei.
Shishido: *_*
Tachibana: ....But. But. You can top him SECOND. I GET FIRST DIBS.
Tachibana: *ALREADY wearing nothing, JUST FYI*
Chitose: *starts stripping* Double penetration then. Do you think he can take it?
Shishido: *sparkly uke eyes* I can take it! *flops down on the table on his stomach like a gingerbread man*
Tachibana: *eyes Shishido* I believe he can, Senri.
Chitose: Right. *smiles finally and grabs the olive oil* *passes it to Kippei* You can do the honors.
Tachibana: *______*
Tachibana: You're too kind, Senri.
Shishido: *is double fucked up the bum*
Tachibana: *is stupidly happy about it*
Scene: FADES TO BLACK because that shit is PRIVATE, yo.