LOG: Tachibana & Hiromi. We FINALLY logged them, haha. Awkward lunch date for the win! Took place on Sunday, rated PG! :D
Tachibana: *shows up outside Hiromi's door even though she told him he didn't have to* *knocks a couple times and then shoves his hands into his pockets, rocking back and forth on his heels as he waits*
Hiromi: *vaguely expected this* *sighs, unplugs all the computers and gets up to answer the door*
Hiromi: *opens it* ... Hi, Tachibana.
Tachibana: *looks at her for a moment, then grins a bit* Hey.
Hiromi: *fidgets* You didn't have to come get me or anything.
Tachibana: I said I would. *pauses, wondering what you're supposed to say to your ex-girlfriend the first time you see her after your break-up* ...You look nice.
Hiromi: *blinks* *has no idea how to respond to that* You... so do you. *lame* The house is a mess.
Tachibana: *smirks* My room is always a mess, so it's not like that fazes me. *shrugs* So. Lunch?
Hiromi: Yeah. Lunch--er. Where are we even going for lunch?
Tachibana: We hadn't decided yet. I was thinking that one coffee shop we've been to before. They have sandwiches and stuff. That okay?
Hiromi: *pauses* Yeah, that's fine, I guess. Let's go, then.
Tachibana: *steps back, waiting for Hiromi to shut the door, and then heads out* So...how have you been?
Hiromi: Tired, but... pretty much good. Glad the genderswitch crap is over. *makes a face* What about you?
Tachibana: *nods* Glad I completely missed the genderswitch crap altogether, heh. I've been...okay. I guess.
Hiromi: You guess? What's wrong?
Tachibana: Just...stuff. Hm. *make it to the restaurant in record time* *finds a table and sits down, looking absently at the menu*
Hiromi: *not-so-vague feeling this really doesn't mean they're getting back together at ALL* ... There's not a law against talking to your ex, you know. *ignores menu completely in favor of pulling the napkins from the napkin holder* *pulls out half a dozen for no reason before stopping*
Tachibana: *watches her pull the napkins out, then sighs and sets down the menu* Ex... I am sorry about that. Um. *rubs the back of his neck* Have you been seeing anyone else?
Hiromi: I don't get out enough for that. *belatedly realizes that probably just made him feel worse* I mean. Um. *goes back to looking at the menu* It's not your fault.
Tachibana: *fiddles with the salt shaker* Well. That's why we can still hang out and stuff. I always had a good time with you.
Hiromi: ... Because I'm not dating anybody we can still hang out? *raises eyebrows* I thought we could do that anyway.
Hiromi: *starts ripping up the napkins, turning slightly red* And yeah. So did I.
Tachibana: No- That's not what I-- I meant we can still hang out so that you're not always at home. *gets interrupted by a waiter bringing them water* *sees Hiromi's blush and averts his eyes, dragging a hand through his hair*
Hiromi: *grabs her glass of water and takes a swallow before answering* *slightly irritated* ... Is this you feeling sorry for me, or what?
Tachibana: *eyes widen* No! No, that's not it - I asked you out because I...enjoy your company and... *slouches a bit* And because I knew I could talk to you.
Hiromi: *frowns, still a little annoyed* Well, what did you want to talk about? You've been pretty evasive this whole time.
Tachibana: *taps his fingers against the table* Well. It's not something that's exactly...polite, I guess, to talk about with your...ex-girlfriend. *shifty eyes*
Hiromi: *watches him tap the table* Please don't tell me you asked me to lunch just to tell me about your problems with sex or something. Because then I might leave.
Tachibana: ...
Tachibana: *gives her a flat look*
Tachibana: No. It's not about SEX.
Hiromi: *blurts without thinking* 'Cause if it were I'd kind of be the worst source eve--*stops self* Then what is it about?
Tachibana: ...I wouldn't put you in that position. *frowns* It's - You know how Senri's my best friend and all?
Hiromi: *perverted thoughts at the word 'position'* Yeah, no kidd--I mean, er. Yeah. I know.
Tachibana: *staring at his water glass* I dared him to go on a date with someone, right? And he asked me.
Hiromi: *takes another sip from her glass* And?
Tachibana: And... *sits back in his seat, crossing his arms and glaring at nothing in particular* And I thought he was asking me as a last resort, but apparently he WASN'T.
Hiromi: So he likes you? I'm... not quite surprised.
Tachibana: Yeah, he likes me, he even SAID he likes me-- *blinks, looking at Hiromi* ...You aren't surprised?
Hiromi: ... Um. No. It's kind of not normal for a best friend to-- er. I thought it was all weird. How, like, he did the whole frying pan and questionnaire thing when Tezuka was after you and got mad when we were lying about actually going out and *pauses, trying to think* even before that. I think. Sort of.
Hiromi: *pulls straw out of glass and starts playing with it* The signs were there.
Tachibana: *stares* ...He did say he's liked me since the Tezuka thing. *scowls* How did I not notice?
Hiromi: *stares back* ... I don't know, but you really should've.
Tachibana: That doesn't help me. *leans his elbow on the table, resting his chin on his hand* That was the week before last. We went out again on Friday.
Hiromi: *knows where this is heading now* ...
Hiromi: *stares again*
Hiromi: So you like him, too?
Tachibana: *was taking a sip of his water and promptly chokes* W-what?! No- I don't- No.
Tachibana: ...
Tachibana: Maybe... I don't know! *looks away*
Hiromi: *sighs* ... Yeah, you do. *swallows* Tachibana. Can you not just tell him? Since he told you that he liked you, shouldn't it not be a problem?
Tachibana: He's my best friend. *still looking away* Anything else is just...weird.
Hiromi: *frowns* *sort of wishes he had brought her up here to talk about sex now* You can look me in the eye, you know. And... best friends get together a lot. Is it really that weird or are you just afraid of screwing things up?
Tachibana: *eyes narrow* ...That second thing. *slowly looks back at her* I've never thought about him like that. *pauses* *rolls his eyes slightly* Never seriously thought about him- *scowls*
Hiromi: But you had thought about him? *lamely* He's not... bad looking or anything.
Tachibana: *shrugs* He's alright. I guess. Um- *finally clues in that this might be a weird conversation for Hiromi* ...Sorry. This is...awkward.
Hiromi: *raises eyebrows* God, now I'm not wondering why you never figured out that Chitose likes you.
Tachibana: ... *crosses his arms* Well who ELSE was I going to talk to? Normally I'd talk to Senri about this but...you know.
Hiromi: *rolls eyes, sighs again* Yeah. But still.
Tachibana: We can stop... *looks around for the waiter* *looks back at Hiromi* ... *blurts* But I don't know what to do and he's freaking me out because if I let something happen between us EVERYTHING will get fucked up because I'm not good at this...relationship...thing!
Hiromi: *leans over slightly in her chair, looking concerned* You weren't-- well, you weren't that bad at... Tachibana, are you okay?
Tachibana: *raises an eyebrow* We went out for like...three weeks or something. I suck at it. *rubs his forehead* I'm - fine.
Hiromi: ... Well, okay, if you want me to be honest, you did suck at it. A lot. *crosses arms, frowning* ... Are you sure you're okay?
Tachibana: *gestures aimlessly, snorting* See? And yeah. I'm sure. I'm fine. *flags down the waiter, finally* I just have no idea what to do and our last...DATE was weird and I don't know if he's going to ask me on another one and I want him to just as much as I don't want him to and that's kind of scary.
Tachibana: ... *pauses* Do you know what you want yet? *shifty eyes*
Hiromi: ... Huh? Oh, right. Um. *turns to waiter* I guess a ham-and-cheese sandwich. And an espresso. *really doesn't care*
Tachibana: *isn't even hungry* *to the waiter* Um. Same, I guess. But a coke instead of an espresso. *starts playing with the salt shaker again*
Hiromi: *waits for the waiter to walk off before answering him* You could always just... I mean. I understand not wanting to mess stuff up but--he's probably going to ask you out again.
Hiromi: And... well. Once he does... *rips up some more napkins, staring at the table* I don't think I'm helping you out at all.
Tachibana: *making a small pile of salt on the table* You're fine. You think he'll ask me out again? *snorts lightly* He was all annoyed I was seeing you today.
Hiromi: *dryly* That's 'cause he thought "lunch" was a code word for "sex at my apartment."
Tachibana: *smirks* That might have been less awkward, at least.
Hiromi: ...
Hiromi: *trying unsuccessfully to hide her face behind her glass of water*
Tachibana: ...I'm kidding.
Hiromi: ... Um. Uh-huh.
Hiromi: *puts napkins in a pile to regain composure and stop blushing* Anyway. Um. Yeah, I think he will ask you out again.
Hiromi: If he had fun being with you and stuff, which I figure he did...
Tachibana: I don't know. The first time was awkward and the second time might have been even MORE awkward because I knew he actually...liked me or whatever. But. It wasn't too bad, I guess.
Hiromi: ... Did you. Um. Kiss or anything?
Tachibana: *eyes go comically wide* No.
Tachibana: Not yet.
Tachibana: Or...ever. Or yet. That'd be so- *alkjsdfhasdf*
Hiromi: *grins despite herself at his expression* Tachibana, if you're dating someone you're going to have to kiss them eventually. *pauses* I mean. Really dating someone. Even if it's your best friend.
Tachibana: But we're NOT really dating. Yet. *pauses* I keep saying 'yet' - I don't know WHAT we're doing. *sighs* I should probably actually ask him what he thinks is going on.
Hiromi: I... sort of think he thinks you ARE really dating. If livejournal's any indication. But asking him would be better than just going by what I think. *shrugs*
Tachibana: ...Two dates makes us really dating? When one was originally because of a DARE? *pales a bit*
Hiromi: ... Maybe? I don't know how it works exactly any better than you do!
Tachibana: Right. Right, sorry. *takes a drink of his water* I'll talk to Senri.
Hiromi: Okay. I... hope everything, um. Works out.
Tachibana: Thanks. *grins a bit, sitting back in his seat* I'll be fine. Uh, I didn't mean to talk about my problems the whole time...
Tachibana: *food arrives*
Hiromi: *hesitates* You're welcome. *grabs her sandwich and starts eating*
Tachibana: *pokes at his own sandwich but doesn't eat any of it* So. Aside from behing turned into a guy... What else has been going on with you?
Hiromi: *swallows a bite before answering* Not much. Work and staying up too late online. I tried blowing up Mizuki's computer like... a week or two ago? But I don't think it worked.
Tachibana: *coughs, taking a bite of his sandwich* Mizuki? Why?
Hiromi: Shishido asked me to and I wanted to see if it was actually possible. *shrugs* Mizuki's mean anyway.
Tachibana: I find that generally ignoring his existence helps.
Hiromi: *pouts* But he's an idiot. He said I didn't have a chest. *rolls eyes and eats the rest of her sandwich*
Tachibana: Well. *grins behind his sandwich* Obviously he doesn't have a clue what he's talking about.
Hiromi: *snorts* Obvious--er. Besides dating Chitose, what've you been up to?
Tachibana: Tennis. *rolls eyes* Lots and lots of tennis. Such is the story of my life.
Hiromi: *laughs* Yeah. I figured.
Tachibana: I could keep teaching you how to play, if you want.
Hiromi: Even though I'm terrible?
Tachibana: Everyone starts out terrible. *finishes his sandwich* Some people just aren't quite as terrible as others. *winks* You get better with practice.
Hiromi: *smiles* ... Well, I'm not saying I'll get better but I probably need the exercise... *gulps down the rest of her espresso* So...yeah. It'd be nice.
Tachibana: We could meet up for that over the weekend, if you want. And we still need to go throw popcorn at the bad wigs in Pirates of the Caribbean. *pauses* Or is that too much?
Hiromi: If Chitose doesn't claim your weekend, then sure. I don't have anything going on.
Tachibana: ...He can't claim ALL of it.
Hiromi: He might try. *laughs*
Tachibana: He gets ONE night.
Tachibana: ... *rolls eyes* Maybe two.
Hiromi: Heh, that's the weekend, there.
Tachibana: It leaves my days open. *grins* So I'll call you.
Hiromi: *smiles back* All right.