In this age of information, not only is having information important, but being able to gather it as well. In fact, I'd argue that knowing where to get information is often more important. Ben Franklin once said something like "I never memorize anything I can look up". Good point
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This whole change in weather thing is really messing with me. Normally my skin is on the oily side, which I've learned to deal with. But now that the weather is super dry, my eyes are upset, my lips are upset, and my chin has no idea what to think.
When I was in physical therapy for my back, the guy said that whenever you stretch and work out, it's good to do your exercises in a different order all the time, so your body doesn't get used to them. It'll make you stronger and what not. I listened and try to do things in a different order every time
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I write about the Fire a lot. But what I don't write about a lot is fire. As in the stuff burning kind. The kind that started on the 4th floor of my office today. Luckily it started early in the morning and as far as I know, nobody was hurt. But the building does kind of smell like how I smelled for three months when my house burnt down
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Last night I discovered that my roommate had placed a bunch of bananas in the toaster. I don't know why. At first I thought this was pretty strange, but then I got to thinking. Whenever I get Munchkins from Dunkin' Donuts, I keep them in the microwave. This is also strange, I know
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I like sports. Watching sports, playing sports, fantasy sports... All kinds of sports. So any give weekend, there are a bunch of games that I want to go my way. And when it all works out, well, that's awesome
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