* RPing someone else's D&D character is a lot of fun. So much fun, in fact, that I may choose to forget about waiting for my character to enter the current game, and just sub for other players.
* I have so much emotional inertia right now that I even have to be nagged to start planning for the
MIT Mystery Hunt. I mean, really. It's the Mystery Hunt. My favorite weekend of the whole year. And yet I have a hard time getting excited about it. Oh, but if any of you want to join our team, let me know. (Sadly, it conflicts with Arisia, which isn't a concern for me but is a concern for many of my Boston-area friends)
* As is often the case, my inertia can be overcome by the inspiration for a new piece. I have finished most of a new piece for flute in the past afternoon and evening. Also on the back burner is a song cycle, for soprano, tenor, and piano. I won't reveal the source of the text yet, (though other residents of my house may already know) but I will paraphrase the reaction of
penguinkraft's friend when he heard a draft of the first song in the cycle: "At first I thought it was about
otherkin, until I saw the box."
* In addition to its many culinary uses, a microplane grater makes an excellent "bow" for playing certain bowls, pots, and lids in a makeshift kitchen
gamelan. (Also, a box grater is a wonderful substitute for a scratchy fishie, which is not to say
* An even better find in the kitchen: the centerpiece of this gamelan is a set of four stone bowls, that give a very satisfying "clong" and form an interesting scale: B-G-F#-G#. I'm going to have to sneak around the upstairs kitchen when everyone is gone, and see if they have anything to supplement the set.
* My aforementioned experimentation with the kitchen gamelan led me to use the pun in the subject of this entry. But that pun reminded me that we do in fact have a wok in our kitchen, and I eagerly scrambled back in there to discover that the lid of the wok is an excellent low gong.