Okay, I lied on the last post; I counted, and there are actually 145 icons planned for next post! Some new, unusual fandoms too from me at least 8)
Go from
, as requested by
moonnkeh~ Uses Color Balance, so it's translatable.
First off, here's the
pretty pretty base image 8D Man, I love that image of Colette. To make it more interesting, I cropped it with a duplicate of her eyes on the bottom, and her chin and shoulder on the top.
Right now it's a really light, bland base, so duplicate it four times. The first two go on Color Burn, the next on Overlay, and the last on Soft Light. Note that depending on how dark your base is, you might not need either of the Color Burn layers (or you might have to change them to Screen). Anyway, they're all on 100%, so it comes out like so:
Now we have something to work with, even if it's really washed out! So hay thar
#06022B Exclusion, 100% layer! I bet you didn't see that one coming at all %D
Not much of a difference on this image but whatever. I don't like how the images crash into each other, so let's add a little border~ I just Polygonal Lasso'd a slanted, jagged line and filled it with white to get this.
And now for a much more noticeable change! Another Exclusion layer, but on 40% and using
Here's where a Color Balance... adjustment layer comes in! :D I love this feature, srsly.
Midtones: +33, 0, +24
Highlights: +39, 0, 0
Leave it as-is (as usual) to brighten the icon juuust a tad.
The white line I made earlier was obscured by the Exclusion layer, so at this point I decided to duplicate it and bring it to the top.
And since I didn't like the little blue bits on the top of the icon, I duplicated the border again and moved it to the top. It's a small change, to be sure, but I like how it looks better this way.
And now, let's spam
girlboheme's beautiful
notebook texture set! %D First,
this texture on Multiply, 100%. I Clone Stamped over the part covering Colette's eyes on the bottom.
this texture, also on Multiply, 100% :D The little scripty bits look quite nice if you put them off the side of an icon and use a soft eraser to blend them out, like I did here. Notice how I duplicated it again and put some parts on the bottom right too.
Now duplicate the base one more time, and bring it to the top on Overlay, 70%. Desaturate it, and you're done! Done done done, how I love that word 8D
Other examples:
I encourage you to go play around and show me your finished icons! DOOO IIIIIIT, I wanna see what you guys come up with~
If you like what you see, why not
friend tacticons for future updates?