Predictor of the Future - Chapter 11

Dec 29, 2012 18:30

Title: Predictor of the Future
Writer: Tacuma811
Pairing: Perfect Pair
Chapter: 11
Genre: AU, romance, friendship, angst
Word count: 796 words
Rating: PG-13
Disclaimer: I do not own Prince of Tennis

Previous Chapters: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 |

Chapter 11
Fuji was watching the wall that surrounded the little village he lived in. The village inside the walls of the castle. He held his hand against it while he looked at the sky. Yuuta was walking around his feet, asking for attention, but not getting any.

'What are you doing?' someone asked. 'Something there?'

Fuji looked up. Eiji was standing beside him, looking at the sky as well.

'Nothing,' answered Fuji as he looked at his friend. 'I was thinking about the world outside the walls. It's been such a long time since I have been there that I hardly remember what it is like. I'm here for six years already.'

'You have seen more of the world outside the walls than I have!' said the redhead a little jealous. 'I have never been out of this village. I only get into the castle for breakfast, lunch and dinner, so I only see the kitchen and the dining area. This little village is all I have ever seen.'

'It's not that much different from the life outside of the castle walls,' said Fuji. 'As far as I remember. Sometimes I try to see what is happening on the other side of the wall, but I can't remember the streets well enough to get a good view of what is going on there. I can see what is happening at the village where my family lives, but I don't really want to know.'

'Why not? Don't you want to know how your family is doing?' asked Eiji curiously.

'Not really,' answered Fuji. 'I don't want to know if hey mind that I'm gone. I hope they're happy and have forgotten about me, but at the same time I want them to be sad that they will never see me again. If I see them sad I would feel sad as well, because I want them to be happy. But if they're happy I might feel sad as well, because they don't really miss me anymore. I don't really want them to forget about me.'

'I'm sure they won't forget you. Remember my oldest sister? She left four years ago to marry a man who lived in the city. My family is happy, but we still miss her a lot!' said the redhead.

'I'm sure she would feel happy if she heard that,' smiled Fuji. 'Maybe if I could ever leave this place I will go and see how they are doing. Then I will know if they still remember me and if they still think about me.'

Fuji picked up the cat that was still trying to get his attention. 'Until then it will be just Yuuta and me.'

'You miss Tezuka, ne?' asked Eiji. Tezuka had been living in the castle for almost half a year now and Fuji ate dinner with him almost every evening, but other than that they hardly saw each other. But not just that, Saeki had left their class as well when he turned twelve.

'Yes, I can't wait until I turn twelve. Just one more year, then I can start living in the castle again.'

'I know how you feel,' said Eiji. 'Remember the boy who left a little after Tezuka did, Oishi Shuichiroh? The last few months I talked with him a lot and he was a really nice guy. I feel a little sad that he had to leave at the time we were becoming friends and now I never really see him again.'

'Oh, has my little Eiji finally fallen in love?' joked Fuji. The redhead blushed and his cheeks turned almost the same color as his hair.

Fuji laughed. 'Just kidding, just kidding. But have you told him? I never see you eat with him. It's one of the only times you can see him. Oishi-senpai is really busy with his training to become the King's personal butler. He has to work every day and sometimes in the evening as well, so you should make sure you can have dinner together.'

'How, I don't know when he will have dinner,' sighed Eiji.

'Go to the dining area early and wait until he arrives. He might be with his father, but you can ask him if you can sit with them, right? And when you're both done ask him if you can sit with him more often.'

'I will do that!' shouted Eiji happily. 'Thank you so much Fujiko! But I have to go now, dinner time will start in a few minutes and I don't want to be late!'
Fuji waved as he friend ran towards the castle. When he was out of sight Fuji turned around, traced the stones of the wall with his finger before he looked up at the sky again.

predictor of the future, shounen ai, prince of tennis, tezufuji, tezuka, fuji, fic

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