Nov 22, 2010 09:05
Morning all.
Every year at work we have a departmental christmas competition, and this year I am running it. I thought it might be fun to run it in parallel on LJ.
How it works.
If you want to be part of it, comment on here (I'll screen the comments) answering the questions posed. After a week or so I will collate the answers and post them up annonymously along with a list of who entered. Then people have to guess who answered what. Fun fun fun!
So this year please tell me...
1) Your Superhero Name
2) What super powers you have and
3) What would you use your powers for?
Please feel free to include any additional information (Who is your nemesis? How did you get your powers? What is your costume? Etc)
I'll keep this open till this Friday 26th!