Apr 13, 2010 10:51
I'm thinking of a thing...
Mar 25, 2010 16:30
I'm not Larping Easter weekend, for the first time in ages.
Anything Going on that I should be aware of?
Mar 18, 2010 16:36
Karate yes, Karate no, good. Karate guess so? *squish*
Simon's going back to the 80's :-)
Jan 29, 2010 09:04
The latest XKCD made me sniffle.
Jan 26, 2010 15:28
Finally got CoD MW2 working on my home pc. Loving the Multiplayer, though I am still such a noob.
Colleague at work has just bought an iPhone as well, so we have geek love going on. Duel = Awesome!
Now just need to get D&D online working.
Jan 14, 2010 15:27
Long shot I realise, but I know a load of you are involved in tech/education.
Anyone at the BETT show tomorrow and fancy meeting up for a chat/sandwich/pint?