I managed to kinda fix my laptop the other day, so at least I can stay online as long as I want without anyone telling me to go to bed at midnight. Still bored to tears, though.
this didn't really cure my boredom and I usually don't believe in stuff like this (or horoscopes and blood type blah blah blah), but it was interesting to read :3
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Comments 14
Gyuh to the Birthday Profiler. It's scarily spot on in certain areas D:
I'm gonna go read yours in a second, I really wonder if it's actually accurate for everyone. Everyone of my friends who has done this says it kinda really is true ö___ö do you think it's a bit like horoscopes? Those are written to apply to everyone in some ways, too.
and every damn sentence of that damn... (how's that damn thing called anyway?) thing is very much true in my case. ;_;
except one or two aspects...
I'm getting a tiny bit paranoid because most of this really is kinda true and describes me, too. Aber irgendwie bin ich auch ein wenig skeptisch, weil Horoskope werden ja auch so geschrieben, dass sich irgendwie jeder ein wenig selbst darin erkennt, oder? ö___ö
OT, but your icon is... *____________*<3333
He's just so gorgeous...
Und ja, die Teile werden i-wie immer so geschrieben, dass es zur Not auf alles und jeden passt. Weil, wenn da steht 'Sie hatten 'ne shice Woche' da denkt man: "Ja, Mittwoch war kacke, da hat mich mein Boss zur Sau gemacht.", und wenn da steht 'Sie sprühen vor Glück' denkt man:"Ja am Freitag hat mir mein Mann Blumen mitgebracht!!!1111" und vergisst jeweils den anderen Tag D:
That's proof of you really being bored as hell. ö__ö
Btw I think that the strength and weakness description kinda fits,dude! XDD
"...those born on this day can also be concerned with locating, exposing, and eliminating disturbing elements in the world around them." - So I shall free the world from Justin Bieber and Bugs?!! IS THIS THE HIDDEN MEANING BEHIND THOSE WORDSS?!
Bugs? ;___; you can't kill Yesung's family/friends!! Or maybe it means you're meant to be 2PM's choreography-mensch? :O DUN DUN DUN DUUUUNN~~
omg the icons are kind of scary if put together xDD
A world without the bug-stomping-dance would indeed be empty and sad. We'd have one thing less to make fun of DDDDD:
That's why I decided to use it >D harharhar~
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