So, I was going to search Taemin+Minho on Google today just because I like the 2min couple, but once I typed in Taemin, a suggestion came up and it said: "Taemin bullied."
At first I was just like: "oh must be a rumor", so I clicked on it. I read this article and he was actually really bullied in school! Even if he is a celebrity. Maybe it is JUST because he is a celebrity. There were girls who stalk him and try to hold his hand, and there guys who say things like "You think you're so cool, just because you're famous."
I would understand why they do that in school if he was bitchy and all that. But if you look at pictures, he doesn't have any friends. He's just walking alone all the time. Even the girls who stalk him saw him eating in the teachers room and stuff like that. Must be lonely. I feel sorry for him. But, it's not his fault he became famous.
Are people just jealous because he is famous and they aren't? Some people are just like that.
Whatever happens, I think the people who bully Taemin should think again, or the rest of SHINee is going to go over there and kick their asses. I know I would if I was in SHINee.