Day 27

Dec 30, 2011 20:52

Day 1: My SHINee bias
Day 2: My favorite SHINee OTP
Day 3: A SHINee OTP I don’t like
Day 4: The SHINee member I think is most easily shipped
Day 5: Favorite song from Shinee World album
Day 6: Favorite song from Year Of Us EP
Day 7: Favorite song from Lucifer album
Day 8: Favorite song from a repackaged album
Day 9: My favorite live performance
Day 10: First SHINee MV I saw
Day 11: My first impression of SHINee
Day 12: A SHINee member that recently impressed me
Day 13: The SHINee member I think has changed the most
Day 14: The SHINee member I think has changed the least
Day 15: The SHINee member I would take home to my parents if we dated
Day 16: The SHINee member I would keep as a secret if we dated
Day 17: My favorite SHINee MV
Day 18: My favorite SHINee lyric
Day 19: The SHINee member I think has the best face
Day 20: The SHINee member I think has the best body
Day 21: The SHINee member I think has the best personality
Day 22: The SHINee member I think is overrated
Day 23: The SHINee member I think is underrated
Day 24: A SHINee picture that makes me smile
Day 25: A SHINee picture that makes me nostalgic
Day 26: My favorite quote by someone in SHINee
Day 27: A picture of my bias with someone else I like in another group
Day 28: If I could spend a day with SHINee, we would:
Day 29: If I could spend a day with my bias in SHINee, we would:
Day 30: My favorite song by SHINee of all time

Look at these two cuties~
Idk how I ended up Heechul biased (it might've been because of this compilation I saw of his horrible but funny engrish x3) but if I weren't a petal I'd definitely might've been Sungmin biased~ Or maybe Ryeowook (Or is it Ryewook?) Speaking of, I'm developing the biggest crush on Ryeowook atm, maybe it's because I'm Heechul deprived. D8 But he needs more love~
Nothing interesting atm. I: Uber busy too so I'm pushing that fanart aside till I finish my school work >3< That and fa....fanfiction D:
Okay no.I can't give up on my presh fanfics (~ToT)~I'll reward myself for finishing at the end of the day with it instead..! 8'D

Is any one willing to do my school work for me~? I'll pay you in chocolate~ /shot

meme, !random

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