Title: Grass Fire
Pairing: YunJae
Length: 8/?
Genre: Historical AU, Adventure, Romance, Drama, Angst
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: Prostitution, Rape, Slavery
Disclaimer: Based on the graphic novel
Habibi by Craig Thompson
Summary: Since the night he caught Yunho mid-air, Jaejoong has never once lost his fighting spirit. With nothing but an old family
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Comments 74
thanks for reading^^
The course of his life seems to come back to square one...he is still a slave under the control of another.
Thank you for reading^^
[god damn it btw i was hoping i would get a better spot but i failed]
i am excited jaejoong showed a bit of sass in this chapter.
i hope things get better for jaejoong, seems they are looking up
i am so excited for yunho's next POV chapter
i cannot contain my excitement for this story. please please can you do bi weekly updates before i drop dead
i want them to meet again *screams*
jaejoong's definitely got sass xD but maybe he needs to learn when to tone it down too... i mean, who knows, he might have pissed the chief off and got his head cut off xD but i guess he didn't care at that moment, being alone there, having lost yunho.
oww like i said before bi weekly won't be possible... unless you want me to keep a longer pause first and then post faster afterwards :P
they will meeeeet
i hope the chief won't make it his goal to taim jae and break his spirit!
thank you for reading^^
anyways, I hope that the chief won't get to have Jae against his will...that wud be annoying....i hope that Jae's defiance will intrigue the chief and instead create a rare respect between them....or is it just wishful thinking on my part?=P
maybe...maybe baatar knew that the girl wouldn't appreciate it. baatar would know her, since they are lovers :)
ah, i wish i could confirm what you want... the defiance will play a part though^^;
thank you for reading^^
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