Killer vampire deer and other wildlife

Jul 21, 2004 12:09

Cirdan and I went on a nice hike yesterday afternoon, over at Rancho San Antonio park in the Cupertino foothills. I should start by thanking her, because if she hadn't come with me for this, I probably would have procrastinated and ended up not going. Again. I think we walked about 5.5-6 miles overall. Good exercise, plus a nice change to catch up ( Read more... )

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Comments 13

cirdan_havens July 21 2004, 12:58:22 UTC
Thanks to you too. :) I had a great time, and like you said, I wouldn't have done it otherwise.

And glad the carpet cleaning is done for the moment. At least you'll have a place to live (until the house is extended).


taeriel July 21 2004, 14:05:24 UTC
This is how I'll wake up some morning:

"Oops, sorry, we have to knock this wall out. You didn't need it, did you?"

If you'd be interested in getting together on a weekly basis for walking/hiking and such, do let me know. Maybe we'll both get better at doing it that way!


cirdan_havens July 21 2004, 15:12:13 UTC
Sure! It'll keep me from being too lazy to do it.


taeriel July 22 2004, 12:23:54 UTC
Cool! Any thoughts on general good times/days for you? Maybe we can move around and check out some of the different hiking areas around.

And yeah, I'm thinking exactly the same thing about keeping myself from being too lazy to do it. Plus, it's the perfect chance to get to see you more often, given that I'm also irresponsible about keeping up with people too much of the time.


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