away message and whining

Jun 07, 2006 02:04

There are days I should just skip getting out of bed. I have the feeling that today was one of these.

Still feel knackered from last week's trip to Berlin and Hannover (1400 km in three days, travelled through 9 of our 16 states). V is one of my best friends, and I love her dearly, but sometimes she gets ideas into her head that I can't really follow. Her long-lost brother, who turned out to be homeless on the streets of Berlin, got run over by a truck. It took authorities days to even locate his next of kin. V hadn't seen him in over ten years, and from what she told us, she barely even knew him (him being ten years her senior and gone from home by the time she started school), but now she decided she had to go and see his body. I couldn't really understand that, driving 600 km one way to see the possibly horribly disfigured body of a man she wasn't even sure she'd recognize. But I figured if she thought it was good for her, it was okay. So I offered to join her on the trip (despite my dislike of long car-trips), so that she wouldn't have to do this all on her own. Well. It was not as bad as I expected, but still... I can't help but be reminded of the movie "Stand By Me", going to all that trouble to seek out a dead person's remains. And even though we came back Saturday, I'm still exhausted, in a kinda emotional way, I guess.

Today I suffered one more of those financial disasters that seem to haunt me every few months. This one was in the making for many years as it seems, but I only became aware of it today. It has to do with student loan and apparently lost mail and my being penniless, but I don't want to go into details. These things are so tiresome and dispiriting that even thinking about it seems to suck any energy I've left right from my body.

Suffice to say that it was not a good day to lose my computer to boot. Well, not lose permanently (I hope). But I already miss the old codger. I just brought him into the workshop because of his booting problems. I don't even wanna know what that's gonna cost again... He kept telling me stories about BIOS ROM checksum errors or just plain refusing to do anything at all when I pushed the button (even though I replaced the power supply two moths ago because of similar problems). Maybe I'm rubbing off on him...

Anyway, all the babbling and whining was basically just to let anyone who's interested know that I'm out of a computer and just a guest in my mom's study (and already hating her crappy chair and non-ergonomical keyboard). So my checking email and reading lj and any such things will be even more infrequent than usual. Not that I'll be missed, the way I'm not commenting or answering mails all the time :).

That's it for now. tafkah out.

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