Series: Axis Powers Hetalia
Title: Fanfic Meme
Pairing: AsaKiku (ArthurKiku)
Rating: G to PG-13
Warning/s: Some child-friendly, some not so friendly. Some just roar.
Write 10 different categories of fic, each in 10 words or less.
1. Angst:
2. AU:
3. Crack!fic:
4. Crossover:
5. First Time:
6. Fluff:
7. Humour:
8. Hurt/Comfort:
9. Smut:
10. UST:
Arthur X Kiku
"I-I hate you!"
"So much you want me to die?"
"Fold it crosswise and-"
"Erm---I lack paper"
"Kiku, I love your tea. It's-"
"Green." "Like our minds."
Crossover (Naruto):
"Tajuu Kage Bunshin no Jutsu!"
A hundred Kiku's surrounded Arthur.
First Time:
"You have to take responsibility."
Arthur kissed Kiku's lips.
A blushing Arthur gave Kiku an origami rose bouquet.
"...wherefore art thou Kiku?"
Arthur accidentally barfed on Kiku's head.
"Stop teasing me Arthur!"
He entered without warning.
"You're tight..."
Arthur's hands shook on the phone.
"i nid u now!"