fucking kym

Sep 12, 2005 20:52

i just blocked the girl who has been calling my her best friend for two years after this conversation

im s0teri0ph0bic and shes shessoavantgarde
sOteriOphObic: all you had to say was sorry
shessoavantgarde: what difference would it have made?
sOteriOphObic: it would have showed me that you knew that you fucked me over
sOteriOphObic: a simple sorry does fix some things
shessoavantgarde: well I didn't figure a sorry would have done anything. I didn't really have
control over it anyway
sOteriOphObic: well ya you did, you said you were going to come pick me up at 7 30
shessoavantgarde: did you end up getting in trouble?
sOteriOphObic: yea
shessoavantgarde: i'm sorry about that
shessoavantgarde: i am
shessoavantgarde: but whatever, you can be mad at me if you want .
sOteriOphObic: well the thing is is that you over looked a simple soultion
sOteriOphObic: all you had to do was say sorry, and if that didnt work then you could have let me
cool off
sOteriOphObic: but instead you just let me foam
shessoavantgarde: i'm sorry
sOteriOphObic: its a little late after i had to tell you
shessoavantgarde: whatever. be mad at me. i don't care
sOteriOphObic: well that shows how much you care about our friendship
shessoavantgarde: well if you were going to end it over something like this, then that's your
I choise.i alreadysaidi was sorryandyouobviouslydon'treallycareor elseyouwouldhave
accepted it. so whatever, do what you want to do. i think you're kinda taking this overboard
though so.. whatever.
sOteriOphObic: well lets see.. you have never been reilable...ever, so maybe i just shouldnt rely on
you for anything
sOteriOphObic: and you said sorry after i told you that thats all i needed to hear
shessoavantgarde: i'm sorry i'm not reliable. i know i'm a douche like that and i don't really know
why i am. i guess i'm just accident prone
sOteriOphObic: it has nothing to do with being accident prone, its about how much you care about
your word to someone else
shessoavantgarde: WHAT THE FUCK COULD I HAVE DONE? walked down and carried you
on my back?
shessoavantgarde: god. don't forget I've done a lot of shit for you too, so don't even start on
making me out to be like some shitty person. I said I was sorry and now you're just carrying it out
for some reason I'm not really getting. if your mad then fine, be mad, you're allowed to be. and
there's nothing i can do at this moment to change it, but don't sit here and judge me because
you're pissed off at me.
sOteriOphObic: im not judging you. you said that you could bring me you said well i can bring you
sOteriOphObic: i said the night before that it was ok i was going to walk
sOteriOphObic: and you were like welllllllllllllllll no
sOteriOphObic: i was all set to walk I DONT HAVE A PROBLEM WITH WALKING
shessoavantgarde: okay one second
shessoavantgarde: fuck you.

shessoavantgarde: you make me feel like shit every second i can't do something for you. you
always do. always, and that's how you fucking manipulate me ALL THE TIME. you make me
feel like shit because i won't bring you to a certain place or do something for you.
sOteriOphObic: NO NO NO NO NO NO FUCK YOU oh little girl how little you know
shessoavantgarde: and trust me, it's not something i've missed over the past month we haven't
hung out. It really fucking bother's to me and you're totally oblivious to it.
sOteriOphObic: you dont call me for two weeks and then all of sudden call me and say you have
nothing to do so why dont we hang out? and i should feel what special that im privledged enough
to be your friend, i dont think so
shessoavantgarde: WHAT PHONE CALLS!?
sOteriOphObic: dont even start i called you three times after megan callas party AND YOU
shessoavantgarde: megan's party?
sOteriOphObi~: this was before the little washer incident
sOteriOphObic:YEA YEA
sOteriOphObic: megans party
shessoavantgarde: i never went to her party
shessoavantgarde: oh. well she had one later that week that i didn't go to that i wthought you
1were talking about
sOteriOphObic: no
sOteriOphObic: and then you didnt call to me that you werent coming over
shessoavantgarde: what? when?
sOteriOphObic:so i stayed up all nite, wondering if you were dead in a ditch somewhere
shessoavantgarde: yeah because that's not dramatic
sOteriOphObic: that nite of megans party
shessoavantgarde: i honestly don't even remember
sOteriOphObic: whatever, it may be dramatic but at least i care enough to think about you and
worry about you
sOteriOphObic: but i guess that doesnt matter
shessoavantgarde: whatever, if i'm that shitty of a friend then why do you torture yourself by
tollerating me?
sOteriOphObic: because kym...i thought you were my friend, i really did...
shessoavantgarde: I AM YOU FUCK TARD!
shessoavantgarde: why do you think i rushed otu of my house this morning to pick you up so we
could smoke up before school?
shessoavantgarde: trust me, IVE MISSED HANGING OUT WITH YOU!
sOteriOphObic: no your not...because a friend doesnt use another friend just because of convience
sOteriOphObic: you dont know a thing about me anymore
shessoavantgarde: 101,you are so freaking dramatic
sOteriOphObic: i quit when soccer started

shessoavantgarde: yeah okay, this week
sOteriOphObic: whatever
sOteriOphObic: no nice try though
sOteriOphObic:i stopped when soccer started
shessoavantgarde: and when it's over?
shessoavantgarde: trust me, i know you
sOteriOphObic: no you dont because if you knew me then you would know how much your word
meant to me
shessoavantgarde: and you know what, even if you have quit smoking, i don't even care, i have
wanted to hang out with you but i just haven't called you. i'm sorry
sOteriOphObic: and how much you hurt me every time you didnt show up when you said you
shessoavantgarde: i figured it was normal becuase all summer that's kinda how it was. for a
couple weeks you and i would hang out with eachother all the time and then for like the nest
couple weeks you'd hang out with chelsae and then that next couple weeks we'd hang out. it was
never for my convenience, that was just the way it happened
shessoavantgarde: i'm sorry i hurt you, i am. i wouldn't have done it if i knew it was such a big
deal to you
shessoavantgarde: and i mean that
sOteriOphObic: i never saw chelsey this summer
shessoavantgarde: that's a lie
sOteriOphObic: no its not
sOteriOphObic: after MSUB your only person i hung out with
shessoavantgarde: oh so buying ham was a fake thing right?
shessoavantgarde: and getting baked at her house, that never happened either
sOteriOphObic: no you know i saw what ONCE??TWICE?? i could them on one hand
shessoavantgarde: "Is charlotte there" "" "She's at chelsey's" <-- am making that up too
shessoavantgarde: listen i'm not fighting with you anymore
shessoavantgarde:i don'twantto fightwithyou -
sOteriOphObic:listen, that was a lot of shit thats built up, and i just open the flood gates, i just
have been hurt a lot this summer, and im just trying to fmd some happiness rite now. you hurt me
alot, and im not trying to repeat myslef, though i know i am. you said we were best friends. and if
so then you would have known how much your word meant to me, look at how much i cherish
my word, and if someone cares thats much about something, youd think that they would care
how oilier people use it too. look maybe over some time this will heal
sOteriOphObic: but right now i think its better if we didnt talk, just so i can think things over
sOteriOphObic: good nite kym
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