Kindrie is third-place protagonist. He doesn't really need to shine as much as Jame.
I have for years expected him to demonstrate his link to (identity with?) That-Which-Preserves by curing the Dark Judge's burns (and thus breaking his link with the Burning Man).
I hadn't thought of that, although I have thought of ways for Kindrie and the Dark Judge to interact, especially if DJ goes with the Try-ridan into PD. I think DJ and the Burnt Man interact mostly in the Riverland, their joint territories.
I've been waiting to se you bring Kindrie to the forefront for a while now. Preserving to me = healing/protecting which is not necessarily passive at all.
With how the series has gone so far, I think it'd just feel most satisfying to have Jame at the center of the finale (and the others providing support). She just seems way more involved in the entire business; especially with her rather personal confrontations with Gerridon (but also ie the Four). So just from a reader's perspective I absolutely agree with the Destruction -> Preservation/Creation order
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Aren't sure yet what to do about the fallen worlds. I think some of them can be reclaimed (preserved?), but not those that PD has digested. Maybe Kindrie can only act so far down the Chain. I think he would work with the Builders in this. It would be a big win for the Builders if even one of them could prove to be pregnant.
Preservation is definitely the most naturally passive power of the Three, but I’ve been wondering recently if it doesn’t have a radius of effect the same way Jame’s Destruction does, and recently Tori’s Creation is starting to. Maybe since he’s moved into Mount Alban there’s been fewer instances of food going back before it can be eaten, fewer bookworm infestations among the scrolls, maybe even fewer fights (preservation of tempers). That could be interesting to play with. In a fight, especially in a fight in the mutable soulscape or in the material plane against a reality-warping force like Perimal Darkling, Preservation could and should absolutely be badass, not as sword or shield (well, kind of as shield), but simply where ground is held. Imagine a battlefield warped by shadow, timelessness, and the blending of life and death…except in a radius spreading out from Kindrie, where the sun still shines and Rathilien’s grass is green
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I like the "radius of effect" idea, both in terms of Kindrie and Torisen. (Jame goes without saying.) This could look both forward and back. That is, Kindrie can preserve what already exists but also what Tori creates. Not that it would be as blunt as that, but then Jame's influence often depends on others' actions and/or the situations in which she finds herself. "When I'm around, things happen."
My sense is that all three should be "badass," especially in the endgame, and I'm frustrated that so far Tori and Kindrie haven't been. It's as if the story is fighting me, or my own limitations, or maybe this is, simply, as you say, a destruction story, with the rest only hinted at.
You mention conjuring material from nothing as going too far. However, even the air around us isn't nothing. If we look at physics, conjuring something out of what appears to be nothing could be a creative act of assembling molecules into the desired result. What if Tori reassembles the molecules of something that Jame has destroyed, offsetting her destruction? With Kindrie's preservation, the three of them could build new worlds.
Comments 36
I have for years expected him to demonstrate his link to (identity with?) That-Which-Preserves by curing the Dark Judge's burns (and thus breaking his link with the Burning Man).
Aren't sure yet what to do about the fallen worlds. I think some of them can be reclaimed (preserved?), but not those that PD has digested. Maybe Kindrie can only act so far down the Chain. I think he would work with the Builders in this. It would be a big win for the Builders if even one of them could prove to be pregnant.
My sense is that all three should be "badass," especially in the endgame, and I'm frustrated that so far Tori and Kindrie haven't been. It's as if the story is fighting me, or my own limitations, or maybe this is, simply, as you say, a destruction story, with the rest only hinted at.
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