Geez Sam, that itch is really trying to tell you something. *worries*
By now it's obvious to me that Bobby has already given this some thought. Even Dean seems to recognize the fact that Bobby is even grumpier than usual - but what do you do, I mean - when Prof. X tells you to split up, you split up!
(Although it's nice that apparently it hadn't occured to them already, LOL. Boys <3 )
I tried to zoom in, and it's probably just me, but the guy in the very back , second from the top right corner looks a little like Patrick. /random useless observation.
I love them being in touch constantly when they aren't together and I love that they are back into their functional routines as far as the every day stuff and it feels natural and I just love that they are getting closer to being THEM again except harder better faster stronger, don't judge me.
I also love Dean kind of a lot for calling Benjamin Franklin a smartass and a ladies man. And I wonder if he got that money playing poker and winning. *snerk*
Dear Bobby,
'Brains trumps legs' isn't really an ANSWER. How long have you been tracking this case again, exactly? What else aren't you telling us that you know about witches and powers and magiks? And who helped you put together the A-team van! That thing is BITCHIN'!
*eyeing you warily*,
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I'm sure Sam's desire to stop the apocalypse was just as strong or stronger than Bobby's desire to get well, and I'm sure Bobby wouldn't change what he did to save Dean's life any more than Dean would take back his deal to bring Sam back, but here Bobby is breaking one of Dean's BIGGEST (and recently most justifiable) creedos here - You NEVER. EVER. EVER. EVER. Trust a witch.
Except for how they've ALL done it - when they saw something they thought they wanted. It isn't Bobby's first using a witch, either - he's the one that sat back and let Ruby help him fix the colt while the boys were out of town.
I guess maybe the creedo should be never ever ever let someone ELSE trust a witch??
Not sure if this has been brought up anywhere else - but I don't think Patrick turning back the clock for Bobby would have healed him. He would have just been a younger paralytic. Much like Patrick doesn't kill people, he also doesn't heal them - his spell only works on the ravages of time, he doesn't undo the past. If Bobby had won the game, he would have just had more time to be paralyzed, I think. That's not what he was going for, I'm pretty sure.
See? Never trust a witch.
I have to admit the first thing that popped into my head when Patrick appeared on screen was, "OMG ALL SAINTS DAY IS COMING OUT TOMORROW SQUEE!"
And no, I haven't seen it - mostly because the nearest theater to me is NINE HUNDRED MILES AWAY.
Fail, movie theater release people. Epic fail.
Anyone know why Mrs. Patrick was with Old Bald Dude? O.o
Dean apologizes for interrupting Patrick while he was with Mr. and Mrs. Easy Mark.
Dear Dean,
I like giving people I don't know their own names, too! You're about to be Dean v 93.2-h. Aka Roger.
So apparently, not only is Patrick a theif and a witch, but he also has 'true feelings' for lots of people's wives, girlfriends, mothers and sisters. Maybe that's why Mrs. Patrick was with Old Bald Dude. And yet we all still like him anyway, even Dean eventually. Why IS that?
It's because he has an accent, isn't it.
If Sam was a witch oh wait, he could prove his membership by giving his standard bitchface. Apparently all the witches are doin' it. Hey. Not like that. Oh wait...
In other news, I've been wanting Manwich since this episode aired. Thanks for that, Dean. Thanks for that.
PATRICK SAID "I like the cut of your jib." AND THAT MEANS HE IS AWESOME.
*falls instantly in love with Patrick*
The crescent moon and star is an internationally-recognized symbol of the faith of Islam, however -
The crescent moon and star symbol actually pre-dates Islam by several thousand years. Information on the origins of the symbol are difficult to ascertain, but most sources agree that these ancient celestial symbols were in use by the peoples of Central Asia and Siberia in their worship of sun, moon, and sky gods. There are also reports that the crescent moon and star were used to represent the Carthaginian goddess Tanit or the Greek goddess Diana.
The city of Byzantium (later known as Constantinople and Istanbul) adopted the crescent moon as its symbol. According to some reports, they chose it in honor of the goddess Diana. Others indicate that it dates back to a battle in which the Romans defeated the Goths on the first day of a lunar month. In any event, the crescent moon was featured on the city's flag even before the birth of Christ.
The early Muslim community did not really have a symbol. During the time of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him), Islamic armies and caravans flew simple solid-colored flags (generally black, green, or white) for identification purposes. In later generations, the Muslim leaders continued to use a simple black, white, or green flag with no markings, writing, or symbolism on it.
It wasn't until the Ottoman Empire that the crescent moon and star became affiliated with the Muslim world. When the Turks conquered Constantinople (Istanbul) in 1453, they adopted the city's existing flag and symbol. Legend holds that the founder of the Ottoman Empire, Osman, had a dream in which the crescent moon stretched from one end of the earth to the other. Taking this as a good omen, he chose to keep the crescent and make it the symbol of his dynasty. There is speculation that the five points on the star represent the
five pillars of Islam, but this is pure conjecture. The five points were not standard on the Ottoman flags, and as you will see on the
following page, it is still not standard on flags used in the Muslim world today.
For hundreds of years, the Ottoman Empire ruled over the Muslim world. After centuries of battle with Christian Europe, it is understandable how the symbols of this empire became linked in people's minds with the faith of Islam as a whole.
Based on this history, many Muslims reject using the crescent moon as a symbol of Islam. The faith of Islam has historically had no symbol, and many refuse to accept what is essentially an ancient pagan icon. It is certainly not in uniform use among Muslims.
/ random educational factoids. (
from here)
I have noticed that in movies or on tv, makeup artists tend to use age spots to make people look older. I know a lot of old people and none of them are littered with age spots. Aren't the grey hair, wrinkles and cataracts enough? WHY WITH THE SPOTS, MAKE-UP ARTIST, WHY!?
Dean watches 25 years of his life go up in smoke. I'm not concerned because HAI DEAN, YOU AREN'T ALLOWED TO DIE. And not just because fandom said so, either.
In times of intense anticipation or irritation, a really powerful witch can unleash the MEGA-Bitchface.
Too bad Sam doesn't have one of THOSE!
Oh. Wait ...
Now if only he can figure out that immortality thing, he'll be ... oh, wait.
Two drinks and a burger.
Dear Sam,
Love you,
Love how Dean v 93.2-h doesn't think Sam should draw on some random old dude. He's seen Sam draw on an ANGEL. Which, oh hai, was the last time they saw a pair of witches, and also the last time we had an episode seven, and also the last time Sam wore that shirt that's that all solid maroon color that I can remember except for Heaven and Hell and okay I'll stop now.
He does manage to look properly offended, though.
If EVER there was a way to make my Sam love even more epic, it was to reinforce his Star Wars nerd side. I mean, Palpatine is a reference anyone would catch, but WEDGE ANTILIES? That boy has read the NOVELS, yo. It's good to be reminded of the important things every now and then.
And don't tell me that someone would use Wedge as their alias just from the movie. Wedge is only epic in the novels.
*sips the SW kool-aid*
I want a picture of Ridge, Brock, Jensen, and Chad all in a line making Dean!Faces.
I can haz? Please?
Bobby is mad that Dean saved his life because he now has no life because he saved Dean's life from back when ...
Sam: It's like grumpy old men!
Dean v 93.2-h 'n' Bobby: Shut UP, Sam!
Tahiri: *rewinds*
Sam: It's like grumpy old men!
Dean v 93.2-h 'n' Bobby: Shut UP, Sam!
Tahiri: *rewinds*
Sam: It's like grumpy old men!
Dean v 93.2-h 'n' Bobby: Shut UP, Sam!
Tahiri: *rewinds*
Ps Oh hai Jared. *smishes*
Dean gets struck with acid reflux - more on that later.
Dean's argument with Bobby is valid. Bobby is in a tough spot, sure - but the burden on Dean's shoulders far outweighs Bobby's problem, who any regular person can end up with. His situation is tragic and affects them all - but it's not exactly on par with being the one who has to kill the Devil, and maybe his brother in the process.
I really have nothing to say about the next parts except LOOKIT HOW AMUSED SAM IS.
*grins a lot*
"This is awesome. Dean is like nine hundred years old."
"When nine hundred years old I reach, look as good will I, I wonder."
The A-team runs some recon.
The point of this scene is to show Viewers that Patrick is immortal, yes?
Eeew, protruding bones are NOT my thing. Yick.
Lookin' spry, Patrick.
Psh. Big DEAL. EVERYONE is pseudo!immortal around here.
Of course, eventually we'll have to reconcile ourselves to the fact that there can be only one.
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Can Sam haxxor teh quickening lightening rod? If he did, would that make him a firebender?
Something about Sam pushing Bobby in his wheelchair makes me happy. Maybe my fic!brain likes the idea of all of them making it long enough for Sam to push Bobby in his wheelchair waaaaaaay down the line when they are all retired and running Bobby's autoshop together and Dean finally has his pony horse Charlie the Unicorn.
UNICORN. It's a CAR. Haven't you people ever watched Gone in 60 Seconds? Gah.
Rude. Although it makes me happy, because now I'm picturing Patrick and Mrs. Patrick in a Big Bang Theory type situation. Not that they at all remind me of anyone from Big Bang Theory, but they have an elevator that doesn't work too and now I just really want to watch Big Bang Theory .... *drifts off*
Not sure what Bobby was planning to do up there, but awww, Bobby.
Dean circa 1929 might be having some trouble climbing the stairs, but he's surprisingly spry for 80 years old!
*We now take a moment to pause and miss kroki_refur's reviews, and try to remember what the dance was, and fail miserably, because it has been so long, and to bemoan her rediculous good fortune in getting to move to New Zeland, because now she has spotty internet connections. *sniff* *
Geeky home decor interlude - I LOVE THESE CANDLE HOLDERS. /geek.
Whoever said Chad wasn't a good Dean wasn't looking through caps of all of Dean's rediculous, rediculous FACES.
Of course, he did find that hidden panel pretty quickly, so he has a right to be happy.
Hee, Sam to the rescue. Although I'm not sure how exactly eyesight helps here unless you have the code already. Aren't they trying to crack the safe by FEEL? *shrug* Oh well.
Uh-oh, woman troubles. If Patrick is 900 - how old is Mrs. Patrick? I'm assuming that all the years Patrick wins off of people go into the Witch Immortality Bank?
Patrick says they're harmless. *snort* They kind of are, honestly. I mean, come ON, boys. 'It must be the chips!' ??
As they writhed, they were utterly unaware of the feverishly humorous situational symmetry from precisely one year earlier. Is that spell in the Witchcraft for Beginners handbook? And is that tan jacket standard wear for witches and warlock's girlfriends? Any how do they all get their hair like that?
Anyone? Sam?
But quite unlike the last couplea pairs of witches we've met, Patrick is a caring sort of guy. I think. He's concerned about Dean circa 1929's health laments that he should have taken better care of his ticker.
How does he KNOW!? Can he read MINDS!?!? O.O
Let's do a tally, shall we? (Hey, TALLY! Another old school fandom thing I miss.)
Dean gets electrocuted, massively injuring his heart, and has to get a new one from that gay guy the reaper.
The YED rips Dean apart from the inside out.
Several heart-related deaths, but ultimately, Dean gets shot through the heart. (Bon Jovi, anyone?)
Most dogs go for the throat, but not Hellhounds. Dean's heart is a hot ticket item.
Dean complains to Castiel - "I almost got my HEART ripped out of my chest!"
Dean literally has a heart attack and flatlines right before our eyes. (Sound familiar?)
... Yet Dean has never been possessed.
Dean also has a history of stomach issues.
Dean is hexed and spits half his stomach out onto the floor before he gets saved... by a witch.
Dean eats a sandwich that ends up eating him back.
Zachariah strikes Dean with stage 4 stomach cancer.
And now he can't even eat a hamburger. Sad.
Dean's heart and stomach seem to be his weak points - or at least supernatural beings are trying pretty damn hard to bring them down.
4th Chakra: Heart Chakra: Blockage can manifest as immune
system or heart problems, or a lack of compassion.
Heart Center - Seat of the Soul in the hourglass of time -
Zero Point 3rd Chakra: Solar Plexis: Seat of Emotions. Gives us a sense of personal
power in the world. Blockage manifests as anger or a sense of victimization.
SamnDean have an argument as only they can - by saying each other's names. There are loads of lines in between the looks they give each other.
It's the same struggle for dominance that they've always had - Sam wanting to grow up and also demanding recognition for his skills - it's not like he's never been on his own before and done just fine, it's not like he's not a good hunter and it's not like he's never ran a hustle.
Dean, on the other hand, has already seen Bobby age right before his eyes and experienced it himself, and he doesn't want to risk Sam. It's an s1/s2 style fight and it makes me want to hug the crap out of DEAN! OUR DEAN! DEAN'S BACK! and also smack the crap out of him and tell him just LET SAM PLAY.
Also it's a moot point because HAI, YOU GUYS AREN'T ALLOWED TO DIE. *facepalm*
Arg, conundrummed.
From the way that Mrs. Patrick is smiling, this isn't the first time Patrick has given someone the clap.
I didn't get it until Dean said it either, but right this instant I was like OMG WHAT DID YOU DO TO SAM! *freakout*
Clearly I read too much fanfic.
misses kroki_refur even MORE*
Show: *Plays this whole scene*
Tahiri: *rewinds*
Show: *Plays this whole scene*
Tahiri: *rewinds*
Show: *Plays this whole scene*
Tahiri: *rewinds*
Dear Sam Jared Sam,
Guess we finally know what was wrong with that waitress from Tampa.
I still like mine better)
The argument has now escalated from "Dean ..." "Sam!" to actual WORDS!
Dean is pulling the 'I'm older than you' argument .. but he's taking it to a whole new level.
Dear Dean circa 1929,
I know you love your brother and you'd give anything, even your own life - again - to not lose him, and I know you are being protective, but when you say you're better than him, and Bobby is WAY better, it makes me want to hit you, no matter what circa you are. I've seen him throw darts and hustle pool and oh yeah HE'S A MASTER LIAR. POKER, DUH! Plus - he's lived without you for 4 years, then almost a year, then another nearly half a year, and during all that time he never got dead. How many times have you gotten dead again?
Stop it,
I'm glad to see Sam asserting himself more this season, even if it still doesn't get him anywhere. Keep trying, Sam.
Bobby finally starts to break down, and proves once and for all that the only way to stop a Winchester fight is to suggest that you sacrifice yourself for their sakes.
When Bobby opens with the apocalypse as not being something to live for, I flinched, but Sam didn't - he just grounded himself and listened. Seriously, could I be any prouder of him lately?
Sam knows what it's like to feel helpless - not in the way that Bobby does exactly - but he knows just the same. He feels as trapped by his destiny as Bobby is by his wheelchair, and he knows. He can also tell that Bobby forbidding him to play isn't because he doesn't think Sam can win, like it is with Dean.
It's because Bobby doesn't care if HE loses.
I'm sorry, I'm loving Chad in this episode. I can see Jensen underneath those wrinkles making that exact same face. The one that says how did I miss this. True to form he leaves it lie for a better time.
Sam, on the other hand, tackles it head-on. "Bobby. You are not. Playing. Again. I'm not - letting you do that. There is another way out of this, there's gotta be. And I'm gonna find it."
So few lines, but gah. Sam is looking at Bobby and seeing the man who told him he would never cut him out of his life and who saved his big brother at the cost of his own freedom and the guy that took his side over John when they were kids and that one small crack in his voice says it all.
Jared - you kind of rock sometimes. ;)
Having made his declaration firm with several pointed looks, Sam storms off - for his, uh - appointment.
Part Three