Episode reviews by
tahirire and
blacklid located here, at my master list.
Supernatural 5.09, The Real Ghostbusters
Long time no see! I apologize like crazy for the lateness of this review, but my computer became allergic to proper video editing, so instead of an ENTIRELY video review, y'all are getting a mixture.
For 5.09,
blacklid and I were fortunate enough to be in Chicago at the convention, and we watched this episode as it aired in the convention hotel - a really surreal experience to say the least! This review contains real-time viewing video clips, our regular chicanery, and reactions from fans across the con throughout the weekend.
This is in a LOT of parts to save on slow connections. You have been warned. Enjoy!
The Road So Far
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The IMPALAS! Hero! Hunter! Civilian! Oh, wait...
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Oh Dean. It's okay that some girls don't give you the time of day. You wouldn't want her anyway, man. She's crazy.
*pets Chuck*
At this point I should probably mention that
blacklid and I both had special hats made just to watch this episode - to protect our brainz, mmkai? Like in dat moovee Signs wit da aliens.
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Yeah ... we don't know either, guys.
Entering the CON!
Refresh my memory - this is the first time in history a show has put it's fans IN the show, AT a con, DURING a con in rl, y/y? I mean, come on - that's pretty awesome.
blacklid's first reaction is kind of priceless.
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Poor Dean. It must be kind of like looking into one of those circus mirrors, or looking at someone and expecting to see their face but you see your face. Yeah. that.
THIS GUY. Too bad it's not the real mullet, but still - I'd give him an A for effort. :)
Warning: This video clip contains much squee and it is loud.
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I LIKE the giant cardboard star-thingie. I only call it a star-thingie because it is clearly failing at being the Key of Solomon, what with there being no magical lobster and the pentacle being too big. OH HAI AND UPSIDE DOWN.
I love the panel titles. Mainly because I think I've been to all those panels. LOLZ.
Homoerotic Subtext
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You guys. Hey. You guys. I'm SERIOUSLY intrigued by the actress that plays Becky. First of all - she's TIIIIIIINY. I know the guys are known to make people look tiny, but this girl is ... well, let's say a Yorkie would be too big to fit in her purse, comprende?
Dear All You Male Fans Out There:
Watching for you next time,
Know what this reminds me of?
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Good times.*sigh* Now back to Becky.
She makes these ... these ... FACES.
I mean it, I can't stop staring. Expect a lot of caps of her insanely slightly unhinged faces. She is totally awesome.
Look! It's Carver Edlund!!
You know ... as opposed to dead and via webcam. Because who wants to skype with a corpse?
Blacklid tried this and kind of failed miserably. Turns out it's harder than it looks.
blacklid : I figured it out later. I just went too fast. I wouldn't want to do it more than once, though.
That Takes Talent
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*shifty eyes*
Shotguns on bungees?
... or Holy Water in Super Soakers?
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And yeah, I know what the guys say - they aren't allowed - but oh comeon. If Amanda can whip out a broadsword from under her skintight belly baring leather pants, SamnDean could totally hide a Supersoaker in their jackets.
(Highlander the series reference, TM)
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And see, here is where I can't complain about Becky creeping me out anymore, because I had the same reaction she had to Fritz's 'follow-up' question.
The only difference is, I kept my response nice and internal.
But I DID toss her two thumbs up for such a kick-ass death glare.
Solidarity, sister. *fistpump*
Death Glare Approved
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I can't help but feel bad for all of these people. It's been over a YEAR and they still think Dean is DEAD!
They deserve to know the rest!! Bring on season 3, I say!
Let's tally the episodes represented here, just for fun, shall we? Via larpers and posters scattered around the room, they seem to be clinging to Asylum, Scarecrow, Everybody Loves a Clown, Route 666
(OH HAI), and the Pilot.
Part 2