Title: leaving (footprints in the sand)
Pairing: kihae
Rating: g
Genre: fluff & angst
Summary: the sun sets on Kibums heart.
The sun drops ever closer into the warm bath that was the ocean of Busan beach, melting off sunbeams and unformed rainbows into ripples of champagne that ebbed gently off until the last vestiges of it battered itself on the white expanse of sandy shore; dying. It must feel wonderful, Kibum thinks, to so easily strip off isolation and become one with something as wild and free as the pacific blue. He thought, for a moment, how he'd love to experience it; but then he realized ,of course: he already did.
"Kibummie!" The answer bounds down the beach, throwing up sand without a care in the world, grinning (a.) like a maniac (b.) like an idiot (c.) like a jack-in-a-box, springing out on you and making your heart jump; or maybe, (d.) like a man in love. (Possibly all of the above) He's his own turbulent and unpredictable and warm and wonderful ocean; and he has no idea.
"Donghae," he says matter-of-factly, quite breathless, "Donghae, you..."
The smaller mans smile is all sharp teeth and butterbeer happiness with a bite of kimchi and Kibum loves it, loves it, loves him. So much that it stings.
He rubs his eyes. Continues.
"Donghae, you're my ocean."
Confused, donghae frowns, but only for a split second before he smiles fondly, rocks back to the balls of his feet.
He flicks Kibum on the forehead.
"Silly Kibummie." there's so much affection crammed into those five syllables it boggles Kibum's mind. "I can't be your ocean. I'm already your East Sea."
Donghae's eyes are warm, so warm that Kibum wants nothing more than to burrow into them. To tuck himself in and stay there, all languid relaxation and adoration, enough to forget the world. But that's impossible, sadly, so he settles for planting a kiss in between the eyes that are endearingly spaced a little too far apart, and enjoys the blush that rises after.
"Why not be both?"
Donghae smiles wider. Agrees.
"If I'm your ocean and your East Sea, then what will you be?"
Kibum sneaks a glance at the dying sun, but no, he is nothing at all like it. He considers the moon too, but discards the thought just as quickly. He is nothing like either and yet he has the human equivalent of a tsunami at arms reach, and he's afraid his arms are too weak to contain it.
He doubles over in pain.
"Don't worry so much, Kibummie." Donghae's tracing lazy patterns on Kibum's back, apparently unconcerned. "You can just be you. Let me be your ocean and your East Sea, and you can just be My Kibum. And it will be perfect."
and Kibum smiles because it already is.
Donghae always knows the right thing to say and maybe that's why Kibum's fallen, maybe still falling, through the sand. Till it's up to his ears and powdering his hair. And Kibum just wants to tell Donghae that he's wonderful, that he's gorgeous, that he's gods gift to mankind, but his mouth fills with coarse sand when he opens it and its choking him (oh god, oh god it hurts) instead of flowery words and heartstrings, what spills out of his mouth is poison and bile, and maybe, just a little bit of his soul. (Time's run out)
"Don't do this." Donghae pleads with him. Kibum looks up, wants to say that he'll stop, it'll all stop, he'll promise. But Donghae's already melting, into white bubbles and salty froth and Kibum knows it's all his fault. He's too weak. Donghae deserves someone stronger.
"I will/I do/I did miss you." Donghae manages to say, just before the tide washes the last of him away. Kibum wants to scream.
He bleeds.
A/N: so basically, if you didn't understand it. Kibum is dying, and in his last moments he sees a scene where he gets to say what he wanted to say and hears what he wanted to hear. (But what happens in real life is quite the opposite) The first Korean word 꿈 means 'dream' and this one at the bottom of story 끝 means 'end'