Title: Sooseop Texts
Pairing: Sooseop
Rating: G
Summary: Spin-off from Silent Resonance. Cheese filled wonder.
Soohyun is out shopping in Myeongdong when he gets the first text.
Hyunggggggggggg :o
OMG I swear I wasn't
the one who messed
up your Westwood suit.
What?! I already know that was AJ.
He'll pay later.
Anyways that's not the point.
Then what is it?
Please don't tell me you got
Kevin got hit on again.
I don't think I can deal with Eli...
God no. Besides it wasn't
entirely my fault. He's the
one who decided to cross
dress in the first place.
Moving on, I'm lost.
Kiseop just because
you can't find your way out
of whatever store you're in
does not mean you're lost.
I'm actually lost right now.
Did you take the wrong train
and end up in like Busan
or something?
Not exactly...
Don't tell me you're in Jeju.
I won't come if you are.
You promised we'd go togethe.
Uhhh no. My GPS is telling
me I'm just south of Paris.
I kinda just woke up.
And I'm now in France.
Neat huh?
You lie.
Surprisingly, no.
I'm pretty sure it
actually is France.
I recognize some of the words.
Why is this my life?
Hey. As your boyfriend
I'm taking that as an insult.
Nooooooo not you.
But really.
Every other band just
gets turned into girls.
We get teleportation.
You'd prefer me as a girl?
What?! No! Or um...
Old pervert :P
Only for you~
Come and get me.
Then I'll consider
calling you oppa.
But you're in France.
That's like, halfway
around the freaking world.
You serious about the oppa?
You promised >:o
Well I didn't think you'd
ever randomly
wake up in France.
And I didn't ever
think you'd lose
your voice but you
did all the same.
So how far
away from Paris are you?
Erm about a mile or so?
Well if you could walk
the mile into Paris and
find somewhere to stay,
I could take a flight?
You mean you're coming?
Here to France?
Well as soon as
I can find a flight yes.
Wait. Close your eyes for a sec.
"Oppa," Soohyun hears two seconds later, a familiar voice whispering in his ear. "I was kidding about being in France. But since you said you'd come..." A pause. "Anyways I figured it'd be a waste not to give this a shot."
A/N: Soooooo texts instead of Post-Its -.- I couldn’t think of a situation in which you’d use Post-Its anyways. Hopefully it was still fluffy enough? Sorry for fail knowledge of Korea. I just picked places that I knew already. Anyways, end of this AU for now. Anything you people would like in particular?