Sep 06, 2010 01:23

Player Name: Xero
Character Name: Miles "Tails" Prower
Canon: Sonic the Hedgehog


Portal Location: From inside Tails' new workshop.

Personality: Tails is an extremely amiable and ambitious fox, always preferring to be kind to others. He's definitely not as shy as he used to be around new people, but anyone who's obviously evil might have a hard time getting him to stay put. He's very courageous as well, even moreso than he used to be; he used to be just another person, then he became Sonic's sidekick, leading up to his first solo fight with Dr. Ivo Robotnik, and then leading to him becoming Robotnik's intellectual rival. All of this came from his looking up to Sonic and wanting to be a hero like him. By the time he became Robotnik's rival, he had become a lot more independent than he was. He's a powerful ally around his friends and always tries to help them out as best he can. At the age of 14, Tails is becoming more mature, but still lacks it most of the time when he's not on an adventure. This is especially in part to Sonic not being the maturest guy all the time, and since Tails modeled after him, Tails still has a bit of immaturity.

Tails is a very intelligent fox as well. Even when he was a young fox on his homeland, he would invent things and fix mechanics. He found he had an odd connection with building things, and it served to fuel his interest in this subject. However, due to this he was always made fun of when he was young, and found it hard to make friends or get along with people. Even when he first met Sonic, he had to follow him around for an entire game one full adventure before he proved his worth when flying towards the Wing Fortress and becoming his friend. He loves to research things, especially when they further his knowledge on subjects he doesn't know fully about yet. He's extremely book smart, and it came in handy when he eventually taught Electrical Mechanics at Spagonia University. He also always researches things that come in handy for adventures, and pays great attention to detail when it comes to... well, anything. This causes him to have a lot more insight to things than the rest of the group. However, he has a tendency to accidentally blurt things out when rambling, even slightly personal information or secret plans, such as when the group was trying to give the fake Chaos Emerald to Robotnik; Tails accidentally said it was fake, thus almost dooming Sonic to a space death.

However, Tails still has a few weaknesses that impede his progress to intellectual nirvana. A big thing is that his ability to fix machines tends to go overboard sometimes; he might see something that's broken down or in need of something and his mechanic senses will tingle, causing him to lose himself in the frantic fixing/coloring/whatever the case may be. This is actually how he acquired the Tornado, as it used to belong to Sonic. Tails fixed it up AND gave it a brand spanking new color on top of that. Sonic, in return, let him keep it. Thankfully, he can generally keep a cool head about upgrading things that aren't his without permission; after all, that's just wrong. He'll stick to losing his head in fixing things. He also tends to lose himself in thought during some of the worst times; during crises where he has to think of something is a good example here. Don't be surprised if you're flying with him, and then the engine gives out and you're stuck watching his tails swish in the air as he's furiously in thought about what to do. This ties in to his tendency to panic when things are going horrendously wrong, but he generally gets his head in the right place and does what he has to. He dislikes being rushed by people, as it tends to make him fidget and panic if he's getting screamed at by someone. He also dislikes it when someone tries to mess with his inventions, fearing they might get damaged or destroyed, or either he or the other person get harmed.

Tails has one large fear, as well as many ambitions. One of his biggest fears is, as a pilot, of thunder and lightning. The sight scares the living bejeezus out of him, since that's a big thing that can bring his biplane down in a single swoop. The sound of thunder, as a result, haunts him in his dreams sometimes when he's had a particularly bad encounter. The worst part is that, unlike the other fears he's already conquered, there's no way to conquer the fear of lightning. His ambitions, though, mostly attribute to making sure his friends are safe, and doing anything and everything he can to assist them. His ambitions for himself, however, are to become a world-famous mechanic, and be able to help the world at large with his inventions. He enjoys showing other people what he makes, and loves talking technobabble with whoever will actually listen to him. His friends and people he sees tend to motivate him to work harder, especially when he sees others do amazing things.

Tails doesn't like to stand around and do nothing, which is something Sonic pretty much passed on to him. He's not impatient by any stretch, but he still prefers to be doing something to pass the time while he's etiher waiting on something or having to stand around. He gets quite fidgety and bored otherwise. Though whenever he's not reading up on something or working on an invention, he's generally thinking up a blueprint or some way to upgrade what he already has. Since he's quite intellectural, his memory is generally very good.

Reason for Joining: The biggest reason is because Sonic's there. However, Tails has always had a sense of justice and decides to stay and help. He also believes he can help other Agents with his inventions.

Position Desired: Agent

Point in Canon: Where Sonic is (which is during Unleashed)

Notes: World description should have this humorous warning on it: "WARNING: PLOT HOLES AHEAD. WATCH YOUR STEP."

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