
Oct 16, 2011 00:00

SERIES: Final Fantasy VII
CANON POINT: In Advent Children Complete when he’s got Cloud impaled on Masamune.
AGE: Physically 25 (since that was his age at his original time of death), but his soul is 32 years.


PERSONALITY: Sephiroth is a character who has known ever since he was young that he was different from everyone else. These differences created a sense of separation from the others around him and left him more or less feeling isolated because of it. He didn’t know how to relate to others, simply because he couldn’t understand the reasons why they act in a lot of ways, and it is because of this Sephiroth grew distant and aloof to almost everyone that knew of him. There were a few exceptions for this though, and while it is not explained exactly how they initially became friends, Sephiroth found some level of companionship with Genesis and Angeal. He’d even once called them friends and had begun to open up to them until they’d deserted ShinRa and left him behind without a word. That had hit him hard, as in the beginning he had no idea as to why they had left. In some sense it was reminiscent to the time when Professor Gast had deserted ShinRa leaving Sephiroth behind. When given orders by ShinRa to track down and appropriately deal with their (Angeal and Genesis) situation, he couldn’t bring himself to accept assignments since he still considered them his friends. This showed a strong sense of loyalty within Sephiroth’s personality, and this would be one of his most defining traits even if it is the least known one of them all. Some might almost say that it’s a sense of blind loyalty since he has been known to follow the commands of others almost unconditionally. It was rare in his ShinRa days, but there were moments where he had to choose between the loyalty to ShinRa and to the loyalty of his friendship with Angeal and Genesis. Torn between his duties to ShinRa and the friendships he’d managed to form, Sephiroth opted to stand on the sidelines rather than pick one side and betray the other.

ShinRa was the first group who held Sephiroth’s loyalty, having grown up in their presence, and he followed their orders even when he had no reason to actually fight in the first place. Sephiroth was merely a weapon for them to use whenever they needed. Yet when the events of Nibelheim played out, Sephiroth’s devotion in not only ShinRa but also in those that he’d once considered friends and all of humanity was utterly broken when he discovered the truth of his origins. To him, everything he’d believed in turned out to be a lie, and Sephiroth couldn’t handle that fact and let his anger and rage consume him. He didn’t hesitate to completely shift his loyalty over to Jenova and began viewing all of humanity as nothing but traitors for what he believed they did.

His relationship with ‘Mother’ is one that is difficult to understand. A sense of family, of being normal, was something that he’d always craved, but something that had been denied up until that point. Sephiroth had grown up idolizing the idea of his mother, Jenova, because it had been something that had given him hope despite the environment he’d been raised in. While he would never admit it, prior to the Nibelheim incident, Sephiroth had always hoped that at least his mother had cared for him in some context if she had survived (Professor Hojo had told Sephiroth that his Mother had died even if that hadn’t been the case). Sephiroth was unaware of the fact that Jenova wasn’t his biological Mother, as Professor Hojo had told him that was his mother’s name and not his true mother, Lucrecia. So when the opportunity came up and his ‘mother/Jenova’ was revealed, Sephiroth was blinded from everything else and clung obsessively to the idea of having something that he’d always desired. He’s completely loyal to Jenova’s original intention (to become a destroyer of worlds) as a form of revenge against those who’d originally betrayed him, but to say that he’s actually loyal to Jenova herself would be considered false.

He fought a battle of wills against Jenova during their journey throughout the Lifestream after the Nibelheim incident. This was because he no longer wanted to be a puppet for others, and wanted to keep what was his tightly within his control instead of the other way around so that he wouldn’t be betrayed again. If Sephiroth had been completely loyal to Jenova, then he would have simply submitted himself to her will and desires during that moment, but instead he fought back and won the battle against Jenova’s will to gain complete dominance over her. While he still maintained his strong sense of loyalty, his ability to trust in others ‘commanding’ him was completely shattered because of ShinRa and even Angeal and Genesis previous actions. He couldn’t allow himself to be exposed to anyone else like that again, and so Sephiroth hid his true self deep behind his rage and bitterness to what had happened. His true self is still hidden deep beneath the layers of bitterness, hatred and anger that he’d built up in order to protect himself. This vulnerability is something that he viciously hides, and goes to any level to keep people’s hatred focused on him for fear that they would see behind the masks he shows everyone.

As hard as it is to imagine, there’s almost a sense of tragic innocence and trust when it comes to Sephiroth - even after insanity gripped his mind. He devoted himself entirely and unconditionally to those who has gained his respect, and so long as his trust isn’t broken, whoever holds Sephiroth’s loyalty has almost an undeniable control over him. ShinRa’s abuse of their ‘ownership’ over Sephiroth hit him hard, and his mind simply couldn’t handle this great sense of betrayal of his trust. While it’s much harder to gain any semblance of Sephiroth’s trust or loyalty, it isn’t impossible given the right kind of development.

Outside of battle, when he is alone, that is the only time that Sephiroth allows for his masks to drop. He doesn’t like others seeing that there’s more to him than the ‘monster’ he’s viewed as, so he almost obsessively keeps his masks up in place.

The Remnants, to Sephiroth, represent the best and worst qualities about him. To him, the Remnants are something he would protect, something to use as tools, and something he despises due to what they represent to him. Kadaj, the embodiment of Sephiroth’s cruelty, also represents Sephiroth’s blind trust in others in his eyes. This is because Kadaj (to some degree) held a level of trust in ShinRa while they were searching for the last piece of Jenova. Yazoo Sephiroth is more indifferent about, as that particular remnant represents his cool detachment and allure, so he does not see Yazoo as a threat to him. Strangely enough, Sephiroth sees Loz as the greatest threat to his carefully constructed masks. Despite Loz’s brute strength, Sephiroth (in some ways) fears the child-like nature that is deeply ingrained in that particular Remnant’s personality. To him it represents one of his most guarded aspects of himself: his innocence.

Sephiroth’s pride in his power is just as great as his ego. He had always known that he was more advanced in everything, even before the revelations in the ShinRa mansion. During his time in ShinRa, Sephiroth never flaunted his strength and abilities. Part of this was due to the fact that he wanted to be seen as being like everyone else, but also because he didn’t want to further alienate himself from those who he called friends. So in the past he would fight his opponents at their level of strength. While he had never truly been arrogant in the past, just more cold and distant, Sephiroth began to become arrogant in his abilities once the events in Nibelheim took place. It was due to his superior abilities that he became overconfident with his physical and mental strength, and because of this Sephiroth began to look down on others, seeing them as unworthy of his full fighting potential - even those among the elites of the SOLDIER program.

His anger and bitterness drives his motivation for revenge against the people of Gaia and the planet itself. Sephiroth’s anger stems from the betrayal he felt when he found out that he’d been created all because of an experiment, but all of the events leading up to the Nibelheim incident snowballed and further fuelled that fury. The trust he held in others was shattered in that moment, and as his anger towards humanity grew, so did his sense of bitterness towards how he’d been treated. He hides the bitterness he feels beneath his arrogant mask, and uses it as a weapon to verbally strike out at others. This is because he wants to prove that everyone is just as jaded as he is.

Another part of Sephiroth’s personality is the God complex he gains after the Nibelheim event. After being ShinRa’s puppet for so long, he felt as though it was his right to treat others in the same way that he was once treated. Everyone was seen as being beneath him (parasites, as he calls them), so he had no hesitation in manipulating and controlling others in order to further his own gain regardless of what happens to them because of his actions. The Sephiroth Clones of the original game, and the children and Remnants of Advent Children are a good example of this. He used them all just to further his own gain, and even forced the Sephiroth Clones to commit suicide solely for his own benefit.

Physically Sephiroth doesn’t have any weaknesses. He was designed to be perfect, and that was something that ShinRa did very well. All of Sephiroth’s weaknesses revolve around his way of thinking and his outlook on life.

Intelligent, egotistical and very manipulative, no matter the battle he fought in, Sephiroth never actually used his full abilities and potential. Instead, Sephiroth continually held back in battle and fought on the same level as the opponent he was up against. Viewing the world as his 'plaything', even while he was the General of ShinRa's army, Sephiroth was of the view that if he simply fought at his full strength, he'd be unable to keep himself entertained and grow bored with the quickly fighting of, and defeating any and all opponents. This view on others though often left Sephiroth far too overconfident and was his greatest weakness as it had led to his downfall.

Stubbornness and arrogance were the ex-General's two other major downfalls. Three times before he'd underestimated his opponent in battle, and even despite his superior fighting capabilities, these attitudes unbalanced Sephiroth long enough each time for his opponent (Cloud Strife) to best him in battle. He prides himself on being able to predict how others react, but what he forgets is that due to his past, Sephiroth cannot comprehend true emotional connections between friends and loved ones, and does not realise the strength it can give others in battle when such topics/persons are threatened.

ABILITIES: Magic: Before his fall into the Lifestream five years prior to the original game’s start, Sephiroth had to rely on materia to cast magic spells. That all changed, and Sephiroth’s been able to cast magic without the need of materia as a source since his absorption into the Lifestream. This indicates that, theoretically, Sephiroth is able to cast all the spells available from materia in the game.

SOLDIER Enhancements: Increase in strength, endurance, reflexes, and all five senses due to the SOLDIER procedure. His eyes also glow because of the mako treatments to become a SOLDIER.

Sephiroth’s physical attacks from weakest to strongest:

- Air Slices (sword technique) - using swift and sharp blade movements, Sephiroth’s able to create currents of air sharp enough to damage opponents (without breaking the skin, but it would definitely bruise less battle-hardened fighters) and knock them back. This attack also cuts through non-organic material such as metal.
- Double Slash (sword technique) - slashes at the opponent twice in rapid succession.
- Quadruple Slash (sword technique) - slashes at the opponent four times in rapid succession.
- Hell's Gate - a powerful physical attack that comes at his opponent from above. Sephiroth slams his Masamune down towards his opponent to inflict massive damage.
- Octaslash (sword technique) - an unblockable eight slash attack.
- Heartless Angel - a magic based attack that drains the energy of his target.
- Shadow Flare - dark energy explodes around the target.
- Super Nova - Sephiroth charges up his spiritual energy before it explodes around the target and traps them within a large fireball. Since his original game ability of this was to destroy the entire solar system, I retrofitted this Super Nova to be based around the version Square Enix gives Sephiroth in other games.

Jenova abilities: Flying (with and without his wing), telepathy, teleportation, illusionary techniques (apparently work on both Jenova infected and non-Jenova infected people if the scene at the Whirlwind maze involving the Black Materia is anything to go by), mind-control of those heavily infected with Jenova cells. His body can also withstand massive amounts of physical trauma and still be functional. In Nibelheim, Cloud Strife almost cleaves Sephiroth in half (the Buster sword cuts through his side and clearly is plunged so deep that it sunk 2/3’s of the way through his body), and Sephiroth is still able to fight and move around even if his movements are impaired and cause him pain.

Sephiroth has complete domination over anything Jenova related. In Advent Children, Sephiroth is able to manipulate the tainted Lifestream to do as he pleases. Sephiroth is also able to manipulate those infected with Jenova cells on a cellular level, most of those who were either in Hojo's cloning experiments or infected with Geostigma. Despite Cloud Strife’s successful attempt to gain control over the Jenova cells inside of his body, Cloud still displayed ‘episodes’ of Sephiroth’s control attempts the Advent Children Complete movie All infect with Jenova cells (including Cloud Strife) showed visible signs of this manipulation through both the colour change of their eyes, and the cat-like shape their irises took because of his influence.

With Sephiroth being the newest evolutionary stage of Jenova, Sephiroth's influence of Jenova's body itself is one of total domination. He is able to not only manipulate the body to move and speak, but Sephiroth can also force its form to shape-shift into a perfect image of himself. As stated in the game 'The ability to change one's looks, voice, and words, is the power of Jenova.' This can give the impression that Sephiroth could also do the same with his own body, but his arrogance and ego wouldn’t ever let him change his form.

Sephiroth also has a link to his weapon, the Masamune, and can summon the blade to his hands (as seen in Advent Children Complete when Sephiroth is revived due to Kadaj (and the other Remant’s) actions).

Also note: while he has a lot of canonical abilities, Crisis Core and Advent Children Complete have also proved that Sephiroth rarely uses them. The only time he does is when he first falls into insanity at Nibelheim, during the original events of the game, and to resurrect himself in ACC. Outside of that, he seems to only use his sword skills when it comes to fighting against his opponents.

Outside of the above abilities, Sephiroth is extremely proficient in weapons handling. He knows how to use guns and other types of weapons, but his weapon of choice is a sword because they’re more reliable and can keep up with his speed. To put it simply, guns and projectile weapons are too slow and inaccurate for his speed and skills, and not to mention the opponents he goes up against.

Sephiroth is also very intelligent, and is well trained in stealth and military tactics due to his origins as the General of the ShinRa army.

POSSESSIONS: He will be bringing the Masamune, his seven foot sword, and just the leather and armour covering his body.
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