Saturday was an event.. Every kid she invited showed up.. Did I say I was a masochist? Pfftt someone pointed it out to me.. After that night I have to agree...
I did however get a bit intoxicated.. Lordie did I ever.. I paid for it Sunday though.. I always seem to pay for it. Heh you would think I would learn. Has not happened yet though.. Pfftt one day maybe..
I should be up working out but I am being lazy this morning.. Hah YES I can be lazy once in a while, I will work out before the day is over so bite me...
~ Sighs ~
Seems I have no one to take trick or treating this year.. What the hell is up with that? Are all my kids so grown up that they do not want to go house to house with their mom getting enough candy to kill an elephant? Pffttt evidently they are.. Brenna is coming to go with Hannah and Lynnae I think.. We shall see.. So that means I get dressed and play in my cemetery all night. NOT to bad a deal.. I just am gonna miss going with them..
Heh I can think back and remember having hellatious Halloween parties for the kids and the adults.. My babies are growing up, means mom can start doing more adult things but also saddens me.. Oi..
My dad is coming for Thanksgiving this year if he can get that Friday off work. If he cannot we may make it up to NC.. TATTOO heh Dallas is the only artist I will let touch me now that he has me addicted to his work.. He needs to finish up my Pegasus.. However if I have him finish that up I wont get a new one.. I think I want him to touch up what I have this trip and next trip we will discuss my next one..
~Nods a lil~ Yup that would be the best route..
Ok well now it is time to do something constructive..