As Always I must warn that these writings usually are just off the top of my head and the subject will easily shift and change as quickly as my twisted broken thoughts. Endure and I will be immeasurably happy. Comment and I will be flattered with your zealous commitment to delve into my mind.
I have to admit that I look at some people and I criticize there very existence, I have decreed stupidity in others and flaunted a self-righteous superiority. You have all seen the EMO kids that walk around convinced there life is hard and painful. I am speaking of them specifically. I will continue I am sure to mock there hair and pale faces, but I will do so now with a changed perception from any who read this. You will know that my humor is more or less a defense from my own EMO self. These polish clad anti-heroes are right Life is hard and full of pain but as my friends and I have discussed it is that pain that makes the life we live able to have the soft and comforting.
I was looking on the summer this year and how much fun I had all the places I was able to go, all the things I did; and yet I am drawn to the emotional downfall of what I didn’t do and what I haven’t ever done. I continue to just drift inside myself and scratch at the shell of my being, unable to communicate the things that charge me… fills me with the light of life.
I see in all people a soul behind there eyes, a definite presence. I am afraid that one day I will look into my eyes and the color will seem dimmer and the person inside won’t be there. I don’t mean to say I will become some psychotic murder, just that perhaps my desires and ambitions will have curled up deep in the pits of my ethereal prison and remain there for what already feels like an eternity.
I’m done for now.
I’ve rambled enough
Do you realize that the thing written under all that is simply? I long to be touched.