1. New icon. Just because he's beautiful. And I love that hat.
LotR Meme
Taken from
hildigunnur1. Elijah's eyes or Billy's eyes:
Elijah. His eyes are gorgeous.
2. Dom or Billy:
Hard. Probably Dom.
3. Viggo or Orlando:
Heh. Orlando.
4. Elijah or Sean Astin:
5. Dom's smile or Billy's smile:
6. (Frodo & Sam) or (Merry & Pippin):
I'm assuming we're talking in a romantic sense here, so I'll say Frodo & Sam. Although I don't ship Frodo/Sam. I just prefer Frodo/Sam to Merry/Pippin.
7. Legolas or Aragorn:
Well...ok. If we're talking movies, Legolas. If we're talking books, Aragorn. Because he IS pretty cool.
8. FOTR, TTT or ROTK (movie):
Tough one. I'd say RotK, but FotR is a close second.
9. FOTR, TTT or ROTK (book):
RotK. Without a doubt. I really struggled through the first two books, but RotK...couldn't put it down.
10. Hobbit feet or elf ears:
Elf ears. Hobbit feet are all...well, hairy.
11. Elves, hobbits, or dwarves:
I like elves because they're pretty. But really, they're kind of boring (although
dianora is definitely not a boring elf :P). So I guess hobbits. Because they really are surprising.
12. Rivendell, Mirkwood or Lothlorien:
13. Gandalf or Saruman:
Gandalf. Duh.
14. Arwen, Galadriel, Rosie or Eowyn:
Yay Eowyn!
15. Nazgul or The Ents:
The Ents.
16. Into The West, May It Be or Steward Of Gondor:
Why isn't Gollum's Song a choice here? I chose Gollum's Song.
17. Gollum or Grima:
Gollum. At least he can be amusing. Grima's just a meanie.
18. King Theoden or Denethor:
How could there even be a choice? Theoden! Of course. He's so awesome.
19. Minas Tirith or Minas Morgul:
Minas Tirith.
20. FOTR commentary or TTT commentary:
FotR commentary. The TTT one was almost boring.
21. Elijah's butt or Dom's butt:
You know, I have to say I really don't know either of their butts too well. So I guess I'll just say Elijah's.
22. Haldir or Elrond:
23. Eomer or Faramir:
Yay Faramir!
24. Gondor or Rohan:
For whatever reason, I've always felt a greater connection with Rohan.
25. (Aragorn & Arwen) or (Eowyn & Faramir):
Eowyn/Faramir. Yup.
3. And most importantly (even though it's not QUITE the 11th here...)
Happy Birthday
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