This is Amy
February 1 2004, 13:26:00 UTC
Hey Taylor, just wondering how you can fix up a livejournal thing. Coz you know how it has the pre-made layouts and stuff? I was wondering if you knew anywhere where it could give you different scripts to help make it all .. different and stuff. Like for xanga sort of.
Aw thanks darling it's workin all nice and purdy <3 The background is being a tooty so meh I'll figure that out eventually. Aw I'm added :) heh thanks.
hi, i am adam, i have no idea who you are, how old you are or anything, i found you off a friend's lj, and i noticed you have one of rion vernon's work in your background, i actually just purchased one of his works for my room. sorry, i just thought it was quite the coincidence. you can add me if you want, or not. just thought i'd share.
oh thank you very much, i shall add you as well, nice to know you, i am adam, i am playing at the long weekend on GrandSkam....not sure if you live near Newmarket or not, or if you like ska music or not, but if one of those two apply to you, you are welcome to come and enjoy the ambience. peace out.
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- Amy =D
addmeoveragain? =)
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