Actual coherant thought on HBP under cut. WILL CONTAIN MANY SPOILERS.
There are so many things I want to touch upon right now, and I’m warning you. It will be rambly. Awfully rambly.
First. Snape.
I am a sad little Snape/Harry fan. It’s one of the many pairings I enjoy, and it will continue to be so.
So many people are screaming that Snape/Harry is dead. But, just no.
But, my love for characters is stronger than my love for pairings, so now I will say why I still trust in Snape.
The vow, his hand twitching over Narcissa’s. His argument with Dumbledore, he KNEW. Dumbledore knew. It was a sacrifice by both of them, and it hurt so badly. They both understand the importance of this war, Dumbledore knew that in the end he will not be the one to stop Voldemort. Snape knew-and in the end he did what had to be done.
And god, Snape taking the DADA position. Dumbledore knew it was cursed, and knew Snape would be leaving.
Dumbledore did not want Draco to be a killer, and believed he would not be able to kill. Dumbledore knew about the vow, because god. Look at all the hints, the little pieces. With the way I interpreted the book it all makes such sense.
In the end Dumbledore did not say 'please don’t’ he begged Snape, he asked Snape. It’s horrible, but they both understood what Dumbledore was asking, and that Snape would do as he asked because Snape is Dumbledore’s man.
I believe the reason that Harry believed why Dumbledore trusted Snape was obviously not the real reason. This is only my thoughts-but it isn’t just me trying to make it all better. Dumbledore still had so much TRUST in Snape, and we all know now that Dumbledore isn’t some deluded old fool. His un-moving faith in Snape-there is a reason, and it is such a stronger reason then what we have been given.
Dumbledore trusted Snape until he died, he didn’t show shock that Snape raised a wand against him. Some people may argue that it all happened so quickly that Dumbledore didn’t have any kind of chance to show shock. But I beg to differ. Dumbledore knew, Snape knew. And god, they both knew what had to be done.
And all that has caused such an awful shock wave through Harry. I don’t blame him for his hate of Snape, because he was betrayed. Dumbledore was killed in front of him-and even though I believe it wasn’t Dumbledore’s intention for Harry to see that, it was just so important that he DID see it. I think though, that the person who really betrayed Harry was Dumbledore. But there is no way that it could happen differently. There was no way Dumbledore could tell Harry about the vow, about what sacrifices he would eventually make-because in the end. It really wasn’t Harry’s business.
Snape’s loyalties are so muddled now, and that’s the way we are supposed to think. Snape would be such a horribly obvious and predictable character is JKR didn’t do this. I believe that Snape is still going to help with the end, and on the right side. It’s just going to be so much more shocking now. So much more painful. Snape killed the only man who had true trust in him, killed him with his own hands. And I believe that’s why the loathing and revulsion was on his face when he killed Dumbledore. Loathing and revulsion for himself, and god. Just...gah.
It’s amazing how much my love for Snape has grown. So very, very much. It hurts so bad to love him, because of all that has happened. And also the knawing fear that JKR is on a totally different wave length. But I have more faith in Snape then her, which is really, stupidly funny. Things won’t be fixed perfect....but they will be fixed a little bit.
In other Snape-ness, I dived into the book believing that Snape was HBP. I was gleeful that I was right. And dude, how much did the title forshadow everything? JKR titles the HP books with big flashing letters to what is an important plot mover. How much did the HBP have totally nothing to do with this book-and also, in a contradictory way-how much it HAD to do with this book? The title HBP is giving us so much more about Snape, Hermione’s statement that the HBP isn’t necessarily evil, even after she found out who the HBP was. That is hinting so much at something big, but by the looks of it we won’t find out until Snape hoodwinks us all in HP7.
Another Snape moment. How many people believed that the Snape name was an old pureblood name? How much was it NOT. That is so awfully cool, and I’m looking forward to how people will perceive all these new things about Snape.
And. R.A.B. REGULUS BLACK. As soon as I finished the book I was screaming it was Snape, even though I knew it wasn’t and could not be. Remember how the book mentioned that it only took a day for Voldemort to kill Regulus. That Regulus BETRAYED Voldemort. Omg. I totally freaked in a good way. Let us all hope that JKR will let Regulus live up to what we all want him to be.
And Draco. Oh. Oh god. My Draco.
My one strong belief was that she would never let Draco live up to what we all thought he could be-that in fact in this book it was Snape who was going to show Harry that Slytherin is not plain black, not that Draco would instead.
Draco crying in the bathroom. God. That ripped me to pieces. His shaky voice telling Dumbledore that Voldemort would kill him and his family. His desperateness, his belief that he had no choice.
....Dumbledore’s faith in Draco. Oh my god, just. God. I cannot explain my feelings; it hurts so badly right now. In such a good way.
The fanon of Draco. His lording over the Slytherins, head in Pansy’s lap. Smug and scared and brilliant. His snarky front to his peers, and how much he was shaking on the inside. I am so glad that my fanon love of Draco how now morphed into canon. It’s beautiful. Gah.
I can hear the mass revival of Harry/Draco. I have always been such a fan of that pairing as well, and I’m grateful that all the H/D fans have so much canon to work with now.
Also. Harry. He’s grown up so much, and dear lord. No Hogwarts next year, how much did that throw us all? All of our expectations for book seven have been shattered in such a good way. It was so predictable what would happen in HP7 before HBP, but JKR has thrown us such a big bloody curveball. And damn, my love for vigilante!Harry is growing. I will be drawing batman!Harry before the next 24hours is up.
Okay and now I suppose I should touch upon the ships.
Everyone in RL knew how much I was moaning about my belief of Harry/Ginny in this book. I hate that ship with a passion. But like. I hate the fanon H/G so much….but the canon H/G didn’t throw me at all.
Why? Because to me it was so laughably unbelievable. Harry’s feelings came out of the blue-everyone was expecting it. But like, it was just so random if you think about it. Just bam! Suddenly he likes Ginny. And well, the Harry/Ginny shippers have got what they wanted-but all of us who are not such fans of that pairing have got what we wanted too. Harry’s moving on, and we can too.
Remus/Tonks. To tell you the truth, I never really hated this pairing in fanon. There were times when I quite enjoyed it, but the canon has spoiled this pairing for me. Sorry, it happened awfully randomly, much like the Harry/Ginny. Just, bam! People may argue that point-the patronus etc. But dude, come off it. It just doesn’t work for me in canon. I want Remus to be happy, but it just seemed to...well. Fixer upper. Everyone wants Remus to be happy, JKR wants Remus to be happy but she chose such a quick!fix way.
I think I would have liked this pairing if she did it in a different way. I have no beef with either character. I adore Remus so much, and Tonks has always held a special place in my heart. I just don’t think she made it work.
Mwhahaha. My god, Harry was obsessing so much about Draco. It was Draco! All the time! I was convinced he was going to end up dating Draco instead of Ginny. It made me laugh SO MUCH.
Harry/Snape? I saw someone on a thread earlier say, they are equals now. They are both Dumbledore’s men. I agree so much. This ship will need fighters, but it has never been an easy ship. And to me, after all what has happened. Well. The Harry/Snape fans have been given so much to work with. There is so much more potential now, JKR has set it all up for us. I am just going to state now for the record-I am going to hate all the hate!Snape/Harry fics which are going to surface. That is not how I interpreted the post-HBP way this pairing is going to sail.
I’m not going to go on about my justifications on this pairing, as well...You really have to be a fan of this ship to see the potential. But god, there is so much of that.
One of my absolute favourite pairings. And people may shake their heads in disbelief but-I cry tears of joy.
Remus is now a spy, and god how much my heart ached at that. He won’t want to sympathize with Snape-but (hopefully!) when Snape hoodwinks us in book seven, Remus is going to understand. Remus is a thinker, he rationalizes. Things about Snape are going to fall into place for him and he won’t be able to deny them. JKR made this ship so much more painful, but it has grown so much.
There is so much more I could say right now on ships. But gah, I cannot be bothered.
But uhm. BLAISE. Dude, he is what fandom always said he would be. *cackles* It makes me happy.
And in the end I must say: I loved this book. It shocked me, it hurt me. It made me scream and cry. It made me fight to believe in my beautiful characters, and to me that is a book well done.
JKR gave me what I wanted to read. And that was all about my Slytherin babies. Snape, Draco, Blaise, Regulus, Narcissa, Bella. My god, I’m so overwhelmed right now.
So yeah. That was my opinions.
I have to go draw right now.