I have not done any actual completed pictures this week, but I have been scribbling.
Many HP and random scribbles behind cut. :D
I dunno who this is! It may be Lavender. But maybe not. And OMG I can TOO draw girls. *eyes laider* Heheheh, so neener.
This one is definitely Lavender. No-one yet online knows of my OMGLavender!11one glee. I have this fic, see. That I have to write. It keeps floating around and around my head, with badass!Lavender. And omg, you will not fully understand until I ramble, or write said fic. (I really, really have to write it soon, damnit!)
A Crowley that was never to be. I would scan the Aziraphale pic I drew, but I kinda sorta gave it to Neil Gaiman. (it's gone to a better place, I fear. :D )
I dunno who this one is! Tell me who it is, tell me! (it could maybe be Justin Flinch-fetchly, but I suspect that's just my HP riddled brain running around in circles.)
Was meant to be Draco. Then I realized that, no, it was not Draco. And could never be Draco. And. Geh. I need to draw him right one day.
*scuffles off* hope everyone enjoyed my half-assed scribbles. :D