Title: Over Spring
Rating: PG
Words: 5,834
Summary: Kid Loki and Thor. Set after Journey into Mystery 641.
After, Loki hides himself away. But Thor will find his brother.
My sort-of thanks to
gnine for forcing me to write this, and to
cienna for her always-helpful betaing.
Loki has always been one for shadows, for not being found when he doesn't want to be )
Comments 15
You convey his grief here wonderfully. Quiet, hidden and with the potential to turn bitter and cold if left unattended. Love your Thor with his struggle to express his love but his inadequacy when it comes to using language in a way Loki will appreciate. Also nice to see him taking on the responsibility involved in a big brother role, worrying about appropriate content on the internet, really REALLY thinking and caring about how to talk to Loki and the best ways for them to spent time together.
Oh man, it was all just wonderful. I feel all warm and happy now. I wish there was enough time between the plot/action in the comics to have emotional, domestic moments like this!
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