Title: Completing the Equation
takegamiteijiroRating: PG
Warnings: Implied slash
Summary: There was just one part of the equation missing to make the entire thing perfect.
Word Count: 364
Fandom: J-Rock
Character/Pairing: Gackt x Hyde
Notes: For @aaiyu on Twitter!
Pen in hand, Hyde looked out the window and just sighed. VAMPS was about to head back into an even faster pace, back into full swing. The Halloween events were already sold out, the venues confirmed, the next TV show appearances booked... everything was done. His band was back together, KAZ was busy getting things done for new singles, and he himself was about to have two days to do nothing but sequester himself in his home studio and do what he did best - compose.
There was just one part of the equation missing to make the entire thing perfect.
He had known the man for long enough that they were close friends, even partners at times. Moon Child had just been the start, and then after that there had been a Halloween live together, TV appearances together... And in those years as friends, there had been a bond there that was impossible to break - even now, with both of them on their separate projects, there was always time for a dinner here and there, an afternoon for a jam session every now and again, a night spent together...
He couldn't help the slow smile that spread across his face at that thought. How many nights had they spent together? He had no idea. Each time was just a little different than the last, and each time would end the same way, with a whispered promise of 'let's do this again soon' before they fell asleep wherever they happened to be, whether it was the couch, the bed, the floor, or in one instance, the gym.
Leaning down to scrawl a line of lyrics out onto the paper, something about wet lips and rolling hips, Hyde's melancholy expression began to change, lips quirking upwards before he dotted the end of the line, setting the pen to the side in favour of his phone.
Maybe he'd do that tonight. Call Gackt, go over for dinner, spend the night... And then he'd get those two days of peace to write, inspired. That was a good idea.
Maybe he could fill in the missing part of the equation, and balance it all out again.