Okay. I don't know whether to be angry, confused, or resigned after this last episode of Merlin.
The Merlin and Arthur Fireside Chat and Eyesex Moment of the Week happened, as usual, and this week's was the LITERAL AND ACTUAL PERFECT MOMENT for a reveal. And...it didn't happen.
I feel like The Reveal is going to be the last thing ever that this show does. I've come to stop expecting it or predicting when it might happen, because there have been several moments where I thought it would be fitting and the moments have just been passed by. But this week. While Arthur and Merlin were having a heart to heart about the place of magic in Camelot, and there was no one else around, and they were friends, close friends, in that moment, and Arthur was asking honestly, very honestly, and Merlin, with actual tears in his eyes, just says, "Magic has no place in Camelot," and you could just see his heart break as the words came out of his mouth? THAT was the perfect moment.
Instead of those words, all Merlin needed to do was...I don't know...blow some sparks into the air in the shape of a dragon (remember when that happened? good times.), or...light up the grove with the visible magic of all that rich life he spoke of feeling humming in the place, or...OR ANYTHING.
But he didn't.
And it's weird, because while watching the show I was so caught up in the moment that it seemed like Merlin's decision not to. But when the show was over and I was back to just sitting there staring at my computer screen? I snapped back to reality and was like, wow, no...that was the writers. Like, actual human people, not a character. People actually sat around a table and wrote that idea out, and decided that was the best course of action, and finalized that version of the scene.
And suddenly I got kind of confused. Because, here the writers are, having created the perfect moment for a reveal, something that they can build the rest of the season upon, and they just let it fall by the wayside?
And then following that confusion came that peculiar anger that only a fan can have at something completely made up and inconsequential to real life. Because if this show turns The Reveal into something that just gets dragged on and on for the sake of keeping viewers attached to the show, well, that's frustrating and annoying. And it gets old.
I do have to admit that I have sort of a love-hate relationship with the concept of a Big Reveal though. Because I'm in the "Arthur Knows" camp and have been for a very long time. It's an "Arthur Knows" camp that has been constantly morphing from "Arthur Knows" to "Arthur Knows but Forgot" to "Arthur Knows but is Pretending He Doesn't" to "Arthur Knows in His Heart but is Willfully Ignoring All Obvious Signs to Appear Ignorant" to "Arthur Knows in His Heart but is 100% in Denial and Doesn't Know in His Head" to "Arthur Knows but Is Waiting for Merlin to Tell Him" to "Arthur Knows But is Waiting For Merlin to Tell Him and Getting Sort of Sick of Waiting." You get the picture. And okay, actually, sometimes I abandon my set-up in the "Arthur Knows" camp and head over to the "Arthur Doesn't Know" camp for a while. But I always end up back in the "Arthur Knows" camp after a while.
But I think even if Arthur knows, a Reveal is still necessary because I'm definitely not in the "Merlin Knows that Arthur Knows" camp. And even if I were in that camp...well...the audience doesn't know that Merlin knows that Arthur knows. So really, at the very least, a Reveal needs to happen for the sake of the viewers.
But the NATURE of the Reveal and the reactions to it by both Arthur and Merlin depend on if Arthur knows and the amount he's willing to admit he knows.
So I'm intrigued by all the possibilities. However, I also know that there is a strong possibility that I will be disappointed by however the Reveal is finally carried out on the show and might have to weep fangirl tears and sooth my feels through endless amounts of fic.
And now I'm going to stop talking because I feel like I might have put way too much thought into this and it's "just a TV show" or whatever.
In other news, I finally listened to the new Mumford & Sons album like I said I would, and I'm in love. I think...I THINK Below My Feet, Hopeless Wanderer, and Ghosts That We Knew are my favorites. Although I like Babel too. And Lover of the Light. And Reminder.
Bahahaha, screw it, I like the whole damn album so much I can't pick a favorite yet.