Title: Sakura-sake
takelo14Pairing: Yunjae, (and maybe others)
Length: Chaptered (1/?)
Genre: Drama, Romance, Action
Rating: PG-13
Warning: None for this chapter
Project Sakura was initiated to save the human race. Jung Yunho, was the project manager, resposible for the hybrid humans created known as Experiments. What will happen when he get's
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Comments 13
the scientific themes are cool. there's hardly much around but it's rather interesting how you brought up the life of a scientist under the government trying to develop high tech androids? o.o;; i'm not sure what they are either but i do hope yunho success :)
though personality wise, yunho is treating jaejoong as a thing and making him throw up like that is just sad :( but expected. also junsu, is he one of the scientists? just to make sure since he can see jaejoong and all. :D
anyway, this is a nice start^^ i hope you update more again :D
Yeah, I really like this type of story so I though maybe I'd write one myself.
But I feel bad cause I made yunho be such a meanie here but I've dropped hints that he's not mean lol he's quite a nice guy, but for know the hybrids are his work.
Yeah, he is a scientist but he's not exactly supposed to have direct contact with them. He's not authorized, but yunho IS his bro so yeah.
I'll try to update between this week and next week. ^^
Thanks for reading bb <333333
oh that's cool! can't wait for those updates :D
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