(no subject)

Jul 23, 2005 10:31

Do you wear black eyeliner?: not usually
Do you own any black clothing?: yeah
Do you think about death often?: not..really?
Do you want to die?: ijhviudjskg
Are you a social outcast?: naw
Are you pale?: i<3mysummertan
Do you like Hot Topic?: the jewelery is hot

Total YES: 3.5

--Skater Punk--
Can you skateboard?: no lol
How often do you wear Vans?: i have ETNIES.. but i haven't worn them since school
Do you do stupid stuff with your friends?: duh..
Do you ever get in trouble?: naw
Do you listen to rock?: not really
Do you have any piercings?: not "punk" piercings

Total YES: 1.5

do you say the word "like" alot?: yeah, it's inevitable
Do you shop at Abercrombie and Fitch?: too expensive
Are the A&F models hot?: DUH, jesus christ man...
Rock music is bad, right?: no
Do you want to be in a sorority/fraternity?: no
Into jocks/popular guys/girls?: popular.. eh ... kindof
Are/were you a cheerleader?: ewwwwno

Total YES: 3

Is your hair long?: no
Are you a vegetarian?: no
Do you own a tye dye shirt?: yeah, don't wear it
Do you want peace?: yeah
Do you want to save the animals: not especially
What do you think about war?: horrible

Total YES: 2.5

Are you from the ghetto?: ahaha NO
Do you own "bling bling"?: naw
What do you think about do-rags?: *shiver*
How about hip-hop?: MYFAVEMUSICEVER
Was Tupac truly the greatest rapper in the world?: he's good
What do you think about afros?: no
Have you ever said 'fo shizzle'?: I LOVE IT.

Total YES: 3

How often do you cry?: lately, a lot
Do you have an ex?: yeah
Do you have an acoustic guitar?: no
Are you emotional?: yes
Do you like soft music: yeah
Do people understand you?: no
Do u write ur own songs?: yes
Is your hair dyed dark?: it could be in the futureee
Do you cut?: no

Total YES: 5.5 .. YAY I'M EMO.

Do you play any sports?: no
How important are they to you?: i don't play them
You pick on the geeky kids?: sometimes. rar.
What do you think about football?: hatehatehate
Were you considered a bully by anyone?: nah

Total YES: 0.5

Do you wear glasses?: i own them
Do you get good grades?: yeah
Are you smart?: yeah
Do you use an inhaler?: hahah no
Do you stick pens and calculators into your shirt pocket: jsndfjkhsfid dorrrrk
Does your mom buy your clothes?: no
How often are you on the computer?: a lot
Do you ever get picked on?: not since mid school

Total YES: 3.5

What Are You MOST Labeled As?: emo
What Are You LEAST Labeled As?: jock

T h e | B a s i c s | a n d | s t u f f . . .
- They Call Me: whit
- Birthplace: charlotte, nc
- B-day Month: jan.
- Current Location: gso,nc
- Eye color: brown
- Hair color: brownish reddish blondish
- Height: 5'4"
- Righty or Lefty: right
- Zodiac sign: capricorn
- Your heritage: english/irish-scottish/german
- Shoes you wore today: i haven't worn shoes yet
- Your weakness: thinking too much
- Your strengths: making people laugh
- Your fears: drowning, losing my best friends
- Your perfect pizza: pizza isn't that good
- Goal you'd like to achieve: stop saying "gay" so much... lol, that's my lil goal til school starts
- Your thoughts first waking up: ugh
- Your bedtime: whenever i'm tired
- Your most missed memory: i dunno, being a kid
- Pepsi or coke: coke
- McDonald's or Burger King: bk
- Single or Group dates: single
- Friends: charlyn, matt, mike, zac, brooke, jen, chelsey *i guess*, tony, rizz..
- Boyfriend/Girlfriend: matt
- Adidas or Nike: nike
- Lipton ice tea or Nestea: tea=no
- Chocolate or Vanilla: choco
- Cappuccino or Coffee: ew
- Smoke: no
- Cuss: yeah, much
- Sing: naw
- Take a shower everyday: usually
- Have a crush: naw
- Do you think you've been in love: yea
- Want to go to college: yea
- Where: appalachian
- Like(d) high school: it's aite
- Want to get married: yeah
- Believe in yourself: depends
- Get motion sickness: no, cept lately
- Think you're attractive: yea
- Think you're a health freak: somewhat
- Get along with your parent(s): i try
- Like thunderstorms: not really
- Play an instrument: no
- Ambition: i have it
- Country/Place you would most like to visit: italy, france

I n | t h e | p a s t | m o n t h . . .
- Drank alcohol: no
- Smoked: no
- Done a drug: no
- Had sex: yea
- Made out: yes
- Gone on a date: i dunno, not really
- Gone to the mall: yes
- Eaten an entire box of Oreos: no
- Eaten sushi: no
- Been on stage: no
- Been dumped: no
- Gone skating: no
- Made homemade cookies: no
- Gone skinnydipping: no
- Dyed your hair: no
- Stolen anything: no

H a v e | y o u | e v e r . . .
- Played a game that required removal of clothing: yea
- If so, was it mixed company: durr
- Been extremely trashed or extremely intoxicated: no
- Been caught, you know: ish
- Been called a tease: yes
- Gotten beaten up: no
- Shoplifted: yes
- Changed who you were to fit in: kindof
- Age you hope to be married: by 30
- Described your dream wedding: i guess
- Thought about how you want to die: yea

G u y | s t u f f . . .
- Best eye colour: blue
- Best hair colour: dark brown
- Short or long hair: medium
- Height: Between 5'11"
- Best weight: 145
- Best articles of clothing: not a hat
- Best first date location: movie?
- Best first kiss location: don't matter

I n | y o u r | l i f e . . .
# of drugs taken illegally: 0
# of friends I could trust with my life: 3-4
# of CDs that i own: 30ish
# of piercings: 2
# of tattoos: 0
# of scars on my body: enough

S p e c i f i c s . . .
- What kind of shampoo do you use? pantene or tresemme or w/e
- What are you most scared of? drowning
- What are you listening to right now? my computer running
- Who is the last person that called you? no one ever calls me
- How many buddies are online right now? 3, not counting alec who is idle
- How many are away: 8
- What would you change about yourself? hearing

F a v o r i t e . . .
- Colour: green
- Food: Mexican
- Boy's name(s): aidan, patrick
- Girl's name(s): charlyn, brooke, jennifer
- Subject(s) in school: english
- Animal(s): tiger
- Sport(s): basketball

H a v e | y o u | e v e r . . .
- Given anyone a bath? yea
- Got high? no
- Bungee jumped? no
- Made yourself throw up? no
- Skinny dipped? yea
- Been in love? yea
- Made yourself cry to get out of trouble? what girl hasn't
- Pictured your crush naked? mmhm..
- Actually seen your crush naked? crush.... i've only seen one naked boy, lol
- Cried when someone died? yea
- Lied? yea
- Fallen for your best friend? yeah
- Been rejected? yeah
- Rejected someone? uhhuh
- Used someone? yea
- Done something you regret? yeah

R i g h t | n o w . . .
- Clothes you're wearing: matt's shirt, red soffes
- Music you're listening to: none
- Time where you are: 11:00 am
- Annoyance thats... eh, annoying you: not knowing when matt's going to be home
- Smell you're... eh, smelling: air
- Favourite artist: bleh
- Favourite Group: blah
- Current Desktop picture: fishes
- Book you're reading: harry potter and the order of phoenix
- CD in the player: umm, bsb hits chapter one or something, ILOVETHISCD
- DVD in the player: umm, maid in manhattan.. (not so good..)

L a s t | p e r s o n | y o u . . .
- Touched: my mom
- Hugged: uhhhhhhhhh.. mike i guess
- IM'd: mike
- Yelled at: mom
- Felt sorry for: char
- Missed terribly: matt :(
- Felt loved by: charlyn!!!!!!!!!!! <3
- Kissed: i haven't kissed anyone in 8 days. *grumpy*
- Spoke to: mom
- Cried to: i dunno, lately i'm crying like a waterfaucet, my mom, myself, charlyn and zac
- Cried over: love

P e o p l e | A s s o c i a t i o n . . .
(Name the people that you associate with the following words)
- Open minded: nicky
- Arrogant: (ahahah char said i'm not arrogant! score!), matt, lol
- Insecure: me
- Interesting: charlyn
- Random: charlyn
- Attractive: i'm gonna say alec too haha, zac, mike, matt, chad
- Smart: mike, rizz, jen
- Moody: chelsey
- Ambitious: charlyn and matt
- Healthy: um. that's lame.
- Shy: i don't like shy people
- Difficult: charlyn when she's mad, lol
- Buffed: noneofmyfriendsarebuff..losers
- Bored easily: chelsey
- Drunk: i'm gonna go with alec-casey-shoaf
- Responsible: matt
- Obsessive: me
- Angry: mike
- Sad: zac's been real emo lately, mike, me
- Happy: andy bernard, flipping weirdo hahah
- Hyper: ME!!!!!
- Talkative: charlyn, zac, me
- Illegal: --
- Porn: matt
- Sexy: charrrlynnn is a beassssstttt
- Violent: me
- Unpredictable: i'm gonna go with ..shoaf
- Repetition: um?
- Drama: chelseyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy
-Full of themselves: chelsey and matt

W h o | d o | y o u | w a n t | t o . . .
- Kill: chelsey :)
- Slap: mike
- Get really wasted with: zac, ahahaha.. we could be like.... y0 i'm wasted at this club like party...yep...
- Get high with: i don't get high, but if i had to choose, alec probably
- Look like: alessandra ambrosio or whatever.. vicky's secret model, ahahahha.
- Talk to face to face: jake gyllenhaal no doubt
- Talk to indirectly (on the phone, online etc.): kirsten dunst so i could tell her jake's my man :)

R a n d o m . . .
- In the morning I look: tired, but cute :)
- All I need to make me happy is: charlyn and zac :)
- Love is: unpredictable and the source of all our sorrows
- Flowers or candy: flowers, candy makes you fat

Y o u r | t h o u g h t s . . .
- I know: i need an effing shower
- I want: to see matt again sometime in this LIFE
- I have: nice boobies :)
- I wish: i could hearrrr like a normal being
- I hate: being lonely
- I fear: drowning
- I hear: my computer roaring tehehhe
- I just: feel like something's wrong
- I search: for what makes me happy
- I wonder: where i will get a job
- I regret: having sex
- I'm hurt by: people not taking me seriously
- I like: to laugh, giggle, or smile broadly
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