I always complain about not having a boyfriend and wanting to find this great guy, but when I actually have the chance to have one, or when someone tells me they like me [not "bragging" or anything], I never do anything about it. I just refuse to tell them that I like them, even though I really do. Why do I do this? You're guess is as good as mine. All I know is next time someone tells me that they like me, and I like them, I'm telling them. I just realized for like the 1,000th time that I never take chances with guys. That's happened to me with, what, like 4 guys? What the heck is wrong with me? I think I just need to realize what I have right in front of me. So that's my conclusion..excuse me if I sound conceited or anything, I really don't mean to. That's just something that I had to get out of my mind and off of my chest.