IT'S BACK, AND IT'S BETTER THAN EVER! It's been too long, so I had to bring the Vag Fest back! For those of you who don't remember, it was an
awesome ficathon dedicated to nothing but awesome ladies! Women are still underappreciated in fandom, and that's not acceptable. So I want you to prompt, write, and pimp! :)
This is a porn focused ficathon, but don't feel like you have to get down and dirty with the prompts. Keep them as graphic or as vague as you like, as long as your fic fits the fest. This is not a femmeslash ficathon, but femmeslash is allowed. The only thing that is not allowed are male/male pairings and threesome pairings that include more than one male because that just makes things complicated.
- Comment to this post with prompts. All prompts must use this format:
Fandom - Pairing - Prompt
example: Merlin - Arthur/Gwen - robes
- All fandoms are fair game, rpf/television/movies/books/video games whatever. Obviously, all prompts must either be male/female or female/female pairings. Solo female is fine as well.
- Suitable prompts are photos (kept to a reasonable size), words, places, settings, colors, what have you. This bit is flexible, just try to keep it vague enough that you're not practically writing the fic itself already!
- Multiple prompts are great, leave as many as you like but keep it one prompt per comment. Also if you plan on posting a lot of prompts, be nice and answer a few others as well.
- Reply to prompts here. You can even respond to your own prompt if you like.
- The limit on comments is 4,300 characters. Try to keep your response all about the porn but if your muse strikes and your piece turns into a longer fic feel free to link to the rest!
- LEAVE FEEDBACK. Seriously, we're all comment whores at heart and feedback encourages people to write more!
- The fest will end in TWO WEEKS, Saturday, December 17th at 10:00pm Eastern Standard Time. But I won't punish you if you post a fic a minute or two after. :P
If you have any questions please
pm me, please don't reply to this post with anything but prompts, responses and feedback.
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So use it and make this a success! :)