Kind of. Sort of. At the very least I am officially home for the summer holidays and no longer have a million essays to write last minute, although that probably will have little affect on me actually using this journal because I am a terrible person and lazy to boot god I do not even want to know how long it has been orz
So in other news I am
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Comments 9
So I take you enjoyed your college experience? :O What classes did you have?
I did! It's been really interesting so far, and I'm actually pretty impressed I've learned so much due to how much faster paced college is in contrast to high school. Between the two semesters there I took a couple history courses (one on the Crusades, another on Western Civ.), a couple of English classes, Japanese (/dork), and a Philosophy class. So basically every class that requires a ton of writing ever :'D They were still all really good classes though! x)
HAHA TRY COLLEGE WITH A QUARTER SYSTEM! Much more hectic I would think.
FMwsdmfmirwirjwenmwaedakwdfja I'm so happy you're back. I have so much to tell you. Stop neglecting your big sis ;o; AND I WANT TO KNOW ALL! AnD you've had a nice free weekend. I expect a full report soon though >o>
I know friends who are on quarter system and I have no idea how they survive haha x'D
You can see above for the more caps lock version of my apology for neglecting you, but I'm sosososo sorrrrrrryyyyyyyyyy D'''''''''''x I am a failure of a little sis "orz BUT IN ANY CASE I DECLARE I AM FREE NOW SO ASK AWAY :'DD
I WAS IN A QUARTER SYSTEM! Idk, school wasn't as time-consuming for me as it was for other people for some reason.
HEY! What ever happened to the guy who was awkward and asked yuou out on a date and such? Did you ever hear back from him? Or any other developments in the love area?
Huh, that is interesting. Although I kind of know what you mean--I feel like I had a lot more free time than I should've last year, and I have no idea why...
He texted me a couple times like three months after I said "let's be friends" and I kind of awkwardly ended up ignoring him because it had been so long and I had no idea what to say orz. I definitely could've handled that better, haha....xp But yeah, no other developments in the love area x'D Which is probably a good thing considering how horribly awkward I am at it :'D orz
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