Heartchu TCG Post: Trade Log

Jan 27, 2014 02:28

Jan 25 / 2014
- Account activated
- Starter pack: hongbin18, photo-oneshot20, suho12, mv-expectation14, youngjae08, hongki05, mv-expectation20, photo-turnmeon02, mv-nomoredream08, sulli03, leejonghyun02, leejonghyun03, leejonghyun11

Jan 26 / 2014
- Trade with taliana: my special-yougotsomenerve12 + membercard for their leejonghyun06 + membercard. (2)

Jan 27 / 2014
- Trade with mollie: my mv-expectation14 and mv-expectation20 + membercard for their mv-cry01 and mv-cry06 + membercard. (5)

Jan 29 / 2014
- Trade with angie: my taeyeon10 + membercard for their mv-cry16 + membercard. (7)
- Trade with toastyb: my suho12 and hyoyeon07 + membercard for their mv-cry11 and yonghwa17 + membercard. (10)

Feb 04 / 2014
- Trade with cross: my photo-thefirstjv08 and mv-badgirllc20 + membercard for their mv-cry03 and mv-cry17 + membercard. (13)

Feb 07 / 2014
- Trade with cross: my photo-secretgarden05 for their leejonghyun15. (14)

Feb 12 / 2014
- Trade with mame: my gdragon06 and gdragon11 + membercard for their leejonghyun20 and mv-mamakv20 + membercard. (17)

Feb 14 / 2014
- Trade with jessica: my hongbin07 + membercard for their mv-doradora16 + membercard. (19)
- Trade with maggie: my photo-stolenafternoon01 + membercard for their mv-cry05 + membercard. (21)

Feb 16 / 2014
- Trade with doron: my girlsday14 + membercard for their cnblue03 + membercard. (23)
- Trade with squee: my sulli03 + membercard for their joon13 + membercard. (25)
- Trade with whit: my dongwoo09 + membercard for their ukiss03 + membercard. (27)
- Trade with melinda: my top12 + membercard for their ukiss17 + membercard. (29)
- Trade with tanya: my photo-trap01(30) [[cut here for 30 trades-CDstamp01]] + membercard for their mv-cry15 + membercard. (1)
- Trade with fallingstars: my jeonjihyun19 + membercard for their leejonghyun17 + membercard. (3)
- Trade with jessica: my hyeri01 and hyeri02 and photo-electricshock01 for their mv-thisiswar18 and mv-thisiswar19 and mv-doradora01. (6)

Feb 17 / 2014
- Trade with kris: my kimwoobin03 + membercard for their ukiss05 + membercard. (8)
- Trade with morgenderper: my mv-thechaser06 + membercard for their ukiss12 + membercard. (10)
- Trade with whitney: my hoya11 + membercard for their hongbin13 + membercard. (12)

Feb 18 / 2014
- Trade with helix: my mv-iamthebest05 and cl11 + membercard for their cnblue07 and cnblue13 + membercard. (15)
- Trade with megan: my mv-sexylady16 + membercard for their mv-cry14 + membercard. (17)
- Trade with celinnie: my minho12, sehun12, mv-nomoredream08 and mv-nomoredream16 + membercard for their cnblue15, cnu07, hongbin12 and gongchan10 + membercard. (22)
- Trade with olya: my mv-nillilimambo07 and top16 + membercard for their cnblue17 and ukiss01 + membercard. (25)

Feb 19 / 2014
- Trade with lior: my mv-nillilimambo20 + membercard for their cnblue16 + membercard. (27)
- Trade with nikki: my mv-dreamgirl02 + membercard for their leejonghyun18 + membercard. (29)
- Trade with cashew: my leesoohyuk17  (30) [[cut here for 30 trades-CDStamp02]] + membercard for their l01 + membercard. (1)

Feb 18 / 2014
- Trade with mango: my sunhwa16 + membercard for their mv-cry12 + membercard.(3)
- Trade with maddy: my ken03 + membercard for their mv-cry08 + membercard. (5)
- Trade with linnie: my sunhwa02 and photo-pinktape11 + membercard for their mv-cry19 and cnblue02 + membercard. (8)
- Trade with zooya: my mv-getout02 + membercard for their mv-cry13 + membercard. (10)
 Trade with eunoia: my mv-twinkle12 + membercard for their mvcry04 + membercard. (12)

Feb 19 / 2014
- Trade with toastyb: my ljoe12 for their joon12.(13)

Feb 20 / 2014 -
- Trade with cross: my sistar18 for their cnblue14. (14)
- Trade with: cassidy: my luna17 and sulli09 + membercard for their hongbin11 and mv-cry07 + membercard. (17)
- Trade with hannah: my mv-paradise03 + membercard for their leejonghyun16 + membercard. (19)

Feb 21 / 2014
- Trade with hadassah: my taecyeon15 + membercard for their mv-cry18 + membercard. (21)
- Trade with eru: my taeyeon10 + membercard for their chanyeol04 + membercard. (23)
- Trade with lara: my mv-yoohoo03, mv-yoohoo19 and sunhwa02 + membercard for their cnblue09, cnblue11 and ukiss15 + membercard. (27)
- Trade with syara: my min20 + membercard for their hongbin14 + membercard. (29)
- Trade with new: my mv-justthatlittlething06 (30) [[cut here for 30 trades-CDStamp03]] + membercard for their photo-neverland13 + membercard. (1)

Feb 21 / 2014
- Trade with miwakty: my tiffany12 + membercard for their photo-neverland01 + membercard. (3)
- Trade with jessica: my mv-icecream12, sunny06 and lizzy20 for their gongchan01, l17 and cnblue08. (6)

Feb 22 / 2014
- Trade with jordyn: my eunji13, hyorin10, mv-maboy03 and soyu10 + membercard for their gongchan07, kiseop02, photo-neverland10 and photo-www05 + membercard. (11)
- Trade with lior: my mv-tarantallegra13 for their yonghwa12. (12)
- Trade with jjongduck: my chorong07 + membercard for their sunggyu19 + membercard. (14)

Feb 23 / 2014
- Trade with vaini: my mv-thriller16 + membercard for their mv-cry09 + membercard. (16)
- Trade with sarah: my jihyun04 + membercard for their leejonghyun09 + membercard. (18)
- Trade with syara: my jinwoon07 for their cnblue01. (19)
- Trade with eru: my seominwoo05, mv-geniejv08, mv-geniejv17 and  jessica05 for their ukiss20, jungshin02, jungshin06, jungshin13. (23)
- Trade with meme: my kaeun08 + membercard for their mv-imsorry14 + membercard. (25)
- Trade with moesoo: my dongwoo15 + membercard for their photo-www09. (27)
- Trade with savannah: my sandeul13 and mv-missright08 + membercard for their mv-cry20 and sungyeol14 + membercard. (30) [[cut here for 30 trades-CDStamp04]]

Feb 18 / 2014
- Trade with yangdizzy: my hyunseung05 + membercard for their leejonghyun10 + membercard. (2)

Feb 23 / 2014
 - Trade with bamderek: my kimsoohyun17 + membercard for their sunggyu02 + membercard. (4)

Feb 24 / 2014
- Trade with oana: my mv-adtoy11 and mv-whatsyourname13 + membercard for their mv-mine10 and yonghwa18 + membercard. (7)
- Trade with daejong: my kai11 + membercard for their hongbin08 + membercard. (9)

Feb 25 / 2014
- Trade with ari: my mv-oh15 +  membercard for their leejonghyun14 + membercard. (11)
- Trade with cross: my leehi17 and eugene09 for their jyj01 and jyj15 (13)
- Trade with stef: my kyujong12 + membercard for their cnu09 + membercard. (15)
- Trade with junnie: my mv-genie14 and mv-nodalong14 + membercard for their jungshin08 and photo-beautifultarget05 + membercard. (18)

Feb 26 / 2014
- Trade with aikymin: my kikwang03, kikwang14 and minhwan18 + membercard for their cnblue18, cnu18 and ukiss02 + membercard. (22)
- Trade with risa: my jonghyun16 + membercard for their cnu19 + membercard. (24)

Feb 27 / 2014
- Trade with mirabel: my photo-porcelain13 and 5zic17 + membercard for their hongbin06 and hongbin20 + membercard. (27)

Feb 28 / 2014
- Trade with meme: my le-chu02 for their cnu06 (28)
- Trade with celinnie: my photo-pinktape11 and photo-porcelain13 for their photo-beautifultarget04 and sungyeol06. (30)
[[cut here for 30 trades-CDStamp05]]

Feb 23 / 2014
- Trade with julia: my hoya02 + membercard for their sungyeol13 + membercard. (2)

Feb 28 / 2014
- Trade with daejong: my ailee17 for their yuri10. (3)
- Trade with duckie: my mv-shadow17 + membercard for their photo-beautifultarget07. (5)
- Trade with fallingstars: my mv-loveoptions06 for their gongchan17. (6)
- Trade with maddy: my mv-genie10, baro02 and photo-circus12 for their sunggyu03, sungyeol05 and mv-imsorry01. (9)
- Trade with haley: my leejongsuk10 and mv-eatyouup07 + membercard for their orangecaramel14 and photo-beautifultarget01 + membercard. (12)
 - Trade with rae: my bap19, boylondon13, photo-oneshot18 and photo-oneshot20 + membercard for their key15, kiseop12, sunggyu01 and orangecaramel07 + membercard. (17)

March 01 / 2014
- Trade with melinda: my photo-alone11 and eric08 for their hongbin04 and tao08. (19)
- Trade with gwiboon: my hara08 + membercard for their yuri02 + membercard. (21)
- Trade with jordan: my mv-tarantallegra20 + membercard for their gongchan09 + membercard. (23)
- Trade with mollie: my luna19, mv-minnovation02, mv-twinkle09 and bigstar05 for their joon19, mv-mine13, jyj13 and sungyeol19. (27)
- Trade with tia: my gdragon14 + membercard for their gongchan06 + membercard. (29)
- Trade with whitney: my mv-trap02 for their cnu04. (30)
[[cut here for 30 trades-CDStamp06]]

March 01 / 2014
- Trade with aymee: my photo-flyhigh11 + membercard for their yonghwa16 + membercard. (2)
- Trade with kath: my mv-touch02 + membercard for their yuri12 + membercard. (4)
- Trade with chantsing: my photo-grown19 + membercard for their hongbin19 + membercard. (6)

March 03 / 2014
- Trade with doron: my mv-singinggotbetter08 for their yuri11. (7)
- Trade with squee: my mv-geniejv03 for their leo06. (8)
- Trade with vero: my narsha05 + membercard for their yuri07 + membercard. (10)
- Trade with woody: my jonghun07 and jonghun14 + membercard for their tao13 and photo-hyde15 + membercard. (13)
- Trade with mannie: my mv-wouldyoulikesometea01 + membercard for their yuri13 + membercard. (15)

March 05 / 2014
- Trade with devon: my mv-volumeup01 + membercard for their hyuk19 + membercard. (17)
- Trade with vintage: my special-yougotsomenerve12 and special-yougotsomenerve13 + membercard for their lay02 and photo-lsbeautifulday04 + membercard. (20)
- Trade with dani: my qri20 + membercard for their ukiss07 + membercard. (22)
- Trade with stef: my mv-doradora18 and special-bonjour14 for their jinyoung11 and mv-imsorry08. (24)
- Trade with alison: my kyungri10 + membercard for their n17 + membercard. (26)
- Trade with byul: my mv-something09, mv-sunshine02 and photo-magnified07 + membercard for their gongchan08, gongchan13 and leo11 + membercard. (30)
[[cut here for 30 trades-CDStamp07]]

March 07 / 2014
- Trade with squee: my photo-kissme15 and photo-yes08 for their ukiss11 and photo-perfection20. (2)
- Trade with woody: my mv-hurricane04 for their gongchan19. (3)
- Trade with mannie: my yoonjo18 for their gongchan15. (4)
- Trade with meme: my seohyun07 for their cnblue20. (5)
- Trade with yuuti: my minhyuk03 + membercard for their gongchan04 + membercard. (7)
- Trade with yangdizzy: my hyunseung14 and yoseob01 for their cnu01 and gongchan11. (9)
- Trade with yunnasu: my eunjung04 + membercard for their cnblue05 + membercard. (11)
- Trade with jessica: my photo-blockbuster18 and suzy01 for their mv-imsorry06 and cnu11. (13)
- Trade with lalikitita: my mv-adtoy03, mv-adtoy19, taecyeon05  and nichkhun14 + membercard for their hongbin17, yuri01, orangecaramel13 and orangecaramel17 + membercard. (18)
- Trade with lindsay: my chorong11 and daehyun18 + membercard for their gongchan03 and photo-hyde02 + membercard. (21)
- Trade with toastyb: my photo-nameis4minute05, shinsekyung04 and shinsekyung15 for their cnu08, ukiss19 and jyj08. (24)
- Trade with lara: my sandeul17 and secret11 for their cnu05 and woohyun09. (26)
 - Trade with syara: my photo-whiteroom03 and mv-onespringday03 for their hongbin03 and gongchan02. (28)
- Trade with vaini: my nominwoo03 for their yuri14. (29)
- Trade with fernande peace: my photo-lovebeat08, (30) [[cut here for 30 trades-CDStamp08]] special-playetude01 and special-playetude10 + membercard for their yuri04, gongchan12 and cnu02 + membercard. (3)

March 07 / 2014
 - Trade with eru: my photo-beatoyfw1209 for their cnu20. (4)

March 08 / 2014
- Trade with new: my youngjae08 and mv-bangkokcity08 for their mv-doradora17 and gain04. (6)
- Trade with kara: my mv-dancingqueen11 and mv-dancingqueen20 + membercard for their tao11 and photo-asdollhouse06 + membercard. (9)

March 09 / 2014
- Trade with doron: my mv-dontforgetme10 for their mv-imsorry18. (10)
- Trade with bamderek: my mv-missright05 and jin14 for their jinyoung16 and photo-www15. (12)

March 10 / 2014
- Trade with dhee: my nicole09 and krystal10 + membercard for their jungshin15 and yonghwa03 + membercard. (15)
- Trade with meme: my moonhyuna15 for their photo-doradora08. (16)
- Trade with haley: my cf-shrimpcracker04 and photo-suave09 for their cnblue19 and mv-twinkle07. (18)
- Trade with mollie: my special-etudesweetrecipe05 and mv-hotsummer08 for their ukiss09 and gain16. (20)
- Trade with priscilla: my photo-allaboutcats01 + membercard for their tao02 + membercard. (22)
- Trade with yesulsungdae: my mv-rockstar06 + membercard for their hongbin16 + membercard. (24)

March 11 / 2014
- Trade with rae: my photo-orul8206 and photo-orul8211 for their mv-mine15 and jyj16. (26)
- Trade with morgenderper: my hyosung20 for their gongchan14. (27)
- Trade with hannah: my jihyun05 and kahi02 for their gongchan18 and orangecaramel19. (29)

March 12 / 2014
- Trade with tessi: my sooyoung14 (30) [[cut here for 30 trades-CDStamp09]] + membercard for their orangecaramel06 + membercard. (1)

March 15 / 2014
- Trade with meme: my leehi06, seohyun16 and taeyeon14 for their photo-neverland03, photo-reblue12 and mv-mine20 (4)
- Trade with lior: my mv-lucifer19, mv-mamakv11, mv-nillilimambo06 and ukwon12 for their yonghwa10, mv-doradora20, photo-reblue06 and photo-www11. (8)
- Trade with vintage: my kara04, mv-iamthebest09 and mv-iamthebest16 for their photo-asdollhouse08, chen08 and janggeunsuk12. (11)
- Trade with alison: my photo-secretgarden09 and kahi17 for their mv-mine17 and photo-beautifultarget02. (13)
- Trade with bamderek: my fx12 and jaejin08 for their orangecaramel03 and orangecaramel12. (15)
- Trade with whit: my photo-blockbuster08 for their photo-neverland11. (16)

March 16 / 2014
- Trade with mame: my taeyang09 and seungri12 for their jungshin12 and jungshin07. (18)
- Trade with haley: my kyuhyun07 and kyuhyun08 for their mv-mine02 and photo-www12. (20)
- Trade with blue: my leehi18 and mv-nonono03 + membercard for their photo-beautifultarget06 and mv-mine03 + membercard. (23)
- Trade with maggie: my fatcat18 for their jungshin03. (24)
- Trade with cross: my himchan08, kangin03, aoa11, mv-24hours01, mv-24hours19 and nominwoo05 for their seunghyun10, photo-neverland14, yoonsiyoon05, key03, mv-thisiswar08 and mv-thisiswar15. (30)
[[cut here for 30 trades-CDStamp10]]

March 16 / 2014
- Trade with haleyrenee: my mv-humanoids05 and photo-lashblast07 + membercard for their yonghwa13 and photo-www01 + membercard. (3)
- Trade with marie: my photo-daynnight14 + membercard for their seunghyun03 + membercard. (5)
- Trade with maddy: my hyeri20 for their yonghwa20. (6)
- Trade with sarah: my mv-destiny20 for their seunghyun15. (7)
- Trade with meme: my yooyoung05 for their mv-thisiswar09. (8)
- Trade with puu: my photo-hyde07 + membercard for their seunghyun14 + membercard. (10)
- Trade with angie: my yura03 for their seunghyun04. (11)
- Trade with sasha: my photo-unbuttoned07 + membercard for their cnu17 + membercard. (13)
- Trade with lalikitita: my chansung11, taecyeon14 and superjunior15 for their seunghyun06, photo-beautifultarget09 and photo-beautifultarget10. (16)

March 17 / 2014
- Trade with triptych: my mv-sexylady01 + membercard for their jinyoung09 + membercard. (18)
- Trade with dani: my yongguk13 and zelo10 for their mv-mine01 and yonghwa14. (20)
- Trade with stef: my jungmo03 for their seunghyun18. (21)
- Trade with meme: my yooyoung07 for their b1a407. (22)
- Trade with devon: my fatcat08 for their mv-thisiswar11. (23)
- Trade with squee: my jessica13, mv-genie05 and photo-kissme14 for their mv-mine19, mv-sleeptalking17 and mv-babygoodnight11. (26)
- Trade with daejong: my photo-alone03 for their seunghyun20. (27)
- Trade with dolgolaepop: my mv-turnitup09 and photo-fukuoka07 + membercard for their mv-mine05 and mv-mine08 + membercard. (30)
[[cut here for 30 trades-CDStamp11]]

March 17 / 2014
- Trade with priscilla: my mv-hateyou05 for their janggeunsuk09. (1)

March 19 / 2014
- Trade with yesulsungdae: my chen08 for their seunghyun16. (2)
- Trade with haleyrenee: my minwoobf15 for their jyj19. (3)
- Trade with vaini: my photo-readyaction01 and mv-runtoyou07 for their janggeunsuk07 and jungshin01. (5)
- Trade with maki: my photo-hyde15 + membercard for their seunghyun08 + membercard. (7)
- Trade with junnie: my photo-gee19 for their seunghyun17. (8)

March 20 / 2014
- Trade with dolgolaepop: my cl19 for their sunggyu15. (9)
- Trade with melinda: my missa14 for their jungshin19. (10)
- Trade with kelly: my photo-misconceptions09 + membercard for their mv-doradora15 + membercard. (12)
- Trade with hibito: my secret08 + membercard for their yonghwa09 + membercard. (14)
- Trade with kath: my hyuna17 for their seunghyun12. (15)
- Trade with byul: my kimsoeun20 for their mv-doradora10. (16)
- Trade with haley: my superjuniorkry07 and photo-nuabo06 for their cnu13 and jungshin09. (18)
- Trade with moesoo: my mv-withoutyou10 for their jungshin04. (19)
- Trade with lara: my mv-wild05 for their mv-doradora09. (20)
- Trade with alison: my choa13 for their yonghwa19. (21)
- Trade with olya: my mv-fantasticbaby13 for their orangecaramel08. (22)
- Trade with woody: my jungmo04 and leeteuk15 for their jungshin05 and janggeunsuk06. (24)
- Trade with priscilla: my minhyuk04 for their mv-doradora08. (25)
- Trade with helix: my mv-socool14 and mv-socool20 for their photo-www10 and photo-neverland07. (27)
- Trade with ivy: my jiyoung04 [+ membercard~forgot to ask for their membercard >_<] for their mv-mine12 [+ membercard.] (28)
- Trade with junnie: my photo-boylondon12 for their mv-doradora13. (29)

March 21 / 2014
- Trade with maddy: my baro07 (30) [[cut here for 30 trades-CDStamp12]] and baro20 for their mv-mine06 and mblaq06. (1)

March 16 / 2014
- Trade with jessica: my mv-icecream15, ilhoon11 and lizzy16 for their jungshin10, mv-doradora05 and mv-mine04. (4)

March 20 / 2014
- Trade with chantsing: my photo-electricshock19 for their mv-doradora14. (5)
- Trade with aikymin: my tablo13 for their yonghwa07. (6)
- Trade with rae: my youngjae10 for their cnu03. (7)
- Trade with hannah: my eric01 and eric11 for their mv-mine07 and mv-thisiswar10. (9)
- Trade with thehun: my hoon14 + membercard for their mv-doradora19 + membercard. (11)
- Trade with kara: my mv-idontneedaman07 for their jungshin20. (12)

March 21 / 2014
 - Trade with nikki: my leejongsuk10, jeonjihyun04, mv-maboy12 and mv-oops15 for their jungshin16, yonghwa01, photo-neverland02 and photo-www14. (16)

March 22 / 2014
- Trade with mango: my mv-humanoids08 for their mv-mine16. (17)

March 23 / 2014
- Trade with meme: my seungho18 for their kiseop05. (18)
- Trade with junnie: my mv-onlyhardforme06 for their mv-babygoodnight07. (19)
- Trade with dhee: my hayoung13 for their janggeunsuk02. (20)
- Trade with vero: my photo-socialite01 for their mv-thechaser17. (21)
- Trade with mirae: my sandeul05 and gongyoo10 + membercard for their photo-lsbeautifulday08 and sungyeol18 + membercard. (24)
- Trade with edel: my 2ne101 and yooyoung06 + membercard for their photo-lsbeautifulday09 and yonghwa02 + membercard. (27)
- Trade with woody: my special-paris05, special-paris10, mv-shadow05 (30) [[cut here for 30 trades-CDStamp13]] and mv-shadow20 for their janggeunsuk03, mv-destiny05, mv-destiny15 and woohyun07. (1)

March 24 / 2014
- Trade with danni: my luhan06 and mv-growl14 + membercard for their jaejoong06 and jaejoong09 + membercard. (4)
- Trade with fallingstars: my bap01, bap08 and yongguk08 for their photo-neverland09, mv-thechaser08 and photo-www06. (7)

March 25 / 2014
- Trade with rae: my photo-blockbuster14 for their mv-sleeptalking10. (8)
- Trade with lara: my mv-growl13 for their photo-neverland09. (9)
- Trade with may: my mv-volumeup04 + membercard for their jyj04 + membercard. (11)
- Trade with mirabel: my photo-aclass14, mv-breathe20 and gdragon13 for their photo-lsbeautifulday01, photo-www02 and janggeunsuk20. (14)
- Trade with whitney: my daeryong20 for their photo-neverland04. (15)

March 26 / 2014
- Trade with vaini: my mv-magicgirl18 for their jungshin18. (16)
- Trade with emoly: my hyuk19 + membercard for their jungshin17 + membercard. (18)
- Trade with mirabel: my mv-beautifultarget19 for their ukiss16. (19)
- Trade with vero: my mv-sixthsense14 for their ukiss18. (20)
- Trade with daejong: my kyuhyun19 for their photo-lsbeautifulday02. (21)
- Trade with dolgolaepop: my amber17 for their photo-lsbeautifulday06. (22)
- Trade with kris: my mv-ohmygoddess02 for their cnu12. (23)
- Trade with oana: my woohyun07 for their photo-lsbeautifulday10. (24)

March 27 / 2014
- Trade with triptych: my junsu19, wooyoung20, photo-bubblepop05 and photo-whiteroom03 for their gain07, mv-hyde09, mv-twinkle11 and songjoongki14. (28)
- Trade with exusia: my cap02, mv-geniejv14 (30) [[cut here for 30 trades-CDStamp14]] and special-weddings10 + membercard for their photo-neverland12, photo-www04 and cnu16 + membercard. (2)
- Trade with emoly: my mv-gr8u12 for their photo-lsbeautifulday05. (3)

March 21 / 2014
- Trade with eunoia: my yoona01 for their jinyoung08. (4)

March 29 / 2014
- Trade with marie: my kimwoobin13 for their jyj02. (5)

March 30 / 2014
- Trade with meme: my mv-dolls04 and taeyeon11 for their mv-justanothergirl16 and mv-sleeptalking19. (7)
- Trade with yuuti: my minhyuk04 for their mv-thisiswar01. (8)
- Trade with celinnie: my mv-wolf01 for their orangecaramel04. (9)
- Trade with kath: my photo-minnovation04 and kimjiwon16 for their jyj06 and jyj12. (11)
- Trade with edel: my jiyoon15 for their joon14. (12)
- Trade with maddy: my photo-tonight06 and mv-hugmeonce15 for their yonghwa11 and joon14. (14)
- Trade with junnie: my mv-freeze13 for their jinyoung18. (15)
- Trade with dani: my photo-sexysparkle12 and photo-sexysparkle13 for their jyj05 and photo-thefirstinvasion17. (17)
- Trade with squee: my mv-oh05 and hyoyeon14 for their mv-60sec11 and mv-60sec14. (19)
- Trade with alison: my krystal05, taeyang05 and mv-loveoptions12 for their sunggyu10, sungyeol09 and photo-thefirstinvasion09. (22)
- Trade with moesoo: my photo-boysofdogtown08 for their joon03. (23)
- Trade with rae: my photo-devilsholiday08, youngjae05 and photo-daynnight13 for their photo-thefirstinvasion08, photo-asdollhouse07 and mv-60sec03. (26)
- Trade with hibito: my mv-madonna01 for their jyj09. (27)
- Trade with stef: my sungmin03 for their orangecaramel11. (28)

March 31 / 2014
- Trade with aku: my aron12  + membercard for their yonghwa06 + membercard. (30)
[[cut here for 30 trades-CDStamp15]]

random crap, heartchu tcg

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