1. Pick which OC you are going to answer this in
2. Answer all the questions Truthfully. Make it interesting!
3. Tag at least 5 others when finished!
This is for an AU version of Takua that I write for now and again. Related, very loosely, to Divergence.
Name: Robert Law (Birth Name); Takua (Current/Registered)
Birthdate: Does it really fucking matter when I was born? Good lord...fine, January 20th. You don't get to know the year though, just know that I'm in my twenties.
Birth Place: New Denver, Colorado, Remnants of the United States.
Current Location: My apartment in the same city STASIS is in. Like hell I'm telling you the city though.
Eye Color: Blue. Go figure. The hell is it with me and the color blue, I swear...
Hair Color: Very dark brown.
Height: Six foot two, tall enough that someone I know gets pissed about it every now and then.
Weight: ...yeah right. I'm healthy and fit for what I do, probably got more muscle too.
Tattoos: Nope.
Overused Phrase: "Fucking Bastard..."
Food: Hmm...when I actually leave my post, I do enjoy a good steak or Pizza somehow.
Candy: Take5. Bought out the company too, just to make sure that they'd keep getting made.
Number: 3. Typically the amount of seconds before I've taken over every last nanite inside of your body.
Color: For some reason, I'm particularly fond of blue, and it seems to like me. Other than that? Emerald green.
Animal: Cats. The bigger the better but, I don't have one as a pet. It'd die because I'm not there to feed it
Drink: Pepsi. I don't drink coffee, shit tastes nasty.
Alcohol Drink: Uhh...don't really have one?
Bagel: Pretty damn good I gotta say.
Letter: Ya know? I don't really know. Probably F though, strictly for the whole Fuck You value.
Body Part on Opposite sex: Eyes.
Pepsi or Coke: I already answered this, didn't I? Pepsi all the way.
McDonalds or Burger King: Burger King is gone, don't touch McDonalds with a ten foot pole. Hacked them once just to screw with their heads, that was fun.
Strawberry or Watermelon: Strawberries. Watermelon are only good for that first hit with a sword and they split apart with that wonderful sound.
Hot tea or Iced tea: Don't like tea at all.
Chocolate or Vanilla: Chocolate, pretty much because I like it when I get to make a drink out of it.
Hot Chocolate or Coffee: See above? Besides, I hate coffee.
Kiss or Hug: I haven't kissed someone since my mother, and the...ya know, I value my life, I'm not going to say who the last person I hugged was. That said though, I prefer the kiss.
Dog or Cat: Cats; dogs are too stupid.
Rap or Punk: Hate em both.
Summer or Winter: Winter gives me good vibes, even if it does tend to increase the chill of Nuclear Winter.
Sad Movies or Funny Movies: Action movies are a laugh because I live in one, so it's good that they're not on here. Funny I guess? Been...uh...thirteen years since I went to see one in a movie theater though. Saw a couple funny movies on my own while I was bored though, does that count?
Love or Money: I have more than you could imagine of the second, don't have any of the former. That said, I'd prefer the two to be reversed.
Bedtime: Ha ha...AHAHAHAHAA. You're kidding me, right? I haven't had a bed time since I joined STASIS. Not sleeping for 48 hours is common.
Most Missed Memory: We don't touch my past.
Best physical feature: Uh...I really don't know. I kinda like my eyes though?
First Thought Waking Up: "Did I pass out or actually make it to a bed?"
Goal for this year: Get Trent for something and not get hit with instant payback. Hey, it's nice to dream.
Best Friends: know, I don't really think Ko or Kira count. And if you say Trent, I will send you to the hospital.
Weakness: I'm physically weak and I know it. Put me into a fight against any NS at B rank or higher and I'll probably lose unless I get lucky as hell. Other than that? I care too much, and I hate part of my past.
Fears: With Trent and Kira around, I don't have very much to fear. Death is pretty much standing at my back.
Heritage: American, with all of the mixed races they had. Got some Japanese in there as well as some German and Irish though, I know that.
Longest relationship: Haven't had one. Ever.
Ever Drank: Gone out with Kira a few times. That was fun, but she can drink me under the fucking table if she really wants to.
Ever Smoked: No. What's the point?
Pot: You're funny. See above.
Ever been Drunk: ...yes...and it was not a pleasant experience for her or myself.
Ever been beaten up: ...who the hell do you think I work with? Just try working in the simulator with them, even on a good day, and not come out hurt.
Ever beaten someone up: I do better in cyberspace than the real world but, yes, I have.
Ever Shoplifted: No. I'm filthy fucking rich, I don't need to. One more thing the Bastard gave me.
Ever Skinny Dipped: A few times. Feels damn good too.
Ever Kissed Opposite sex: mom and sister. Nobody else though.
Ever Kissed Same Sex: Nope.
Been Dumped Lately: Didn't I say that I haven't been in a relationship?
Favorite Eye Color: Haven't a clue. Probably either blue or green.
Favorite Hair Color: Dark. Or red. One or the other.
Short or Long: I prefer long, but short can be hot.
Height: Around the same height or lower. Taller tends to be a little scary.
Style: Not nearly versed enough to care or know.
Looks or Personality: Hot bimbos go for a dime a dozen. Hot chicks with personality go to the lucky. Give me personality any day of the week, intelligence is a sweet extra.
Hot or Cute: Cute is nice but...give me hot, please. As long as it's got something to back it up.
Drugs and Alcohol: No drugs, if she can drink, it's a plus.
Muscular or Really Skinny: Inbetween please. I don't want a freak and I don't want someone who's gonna break if I poke em.
Number of Regrets in the Past: ...only two. Could probably make it one.
What country/world do you want to Visit: Japan. I've been there a few times now, it's nice.
How do you want to Die: *laughs* I'm afraid that's out of my control, Bastard wouldn't let me even if I wanted to.
Been to the Mall Lately: Why the fuck would I do that?
Do you like Thunderstorms: Love em. Especially from my apartment, get a nice view that way.
Get along with your Parents: ...I haven't spoken to my family in twelve years. Let's put it that way.
Health Freak:
Do you think your Attractive: >.> Not...really. A couple of people have told me otherwise but, haven't believed em.
Want to go to College: Ha. So far, I haven't needed it and am all self-taught. Plus, I could always hack an online course if I wanted to.
Do you Smoke: Never have.
Do you Drink: Socially, not just because.
Shower Daily: Pretty much...there are a few times where I've missed that, not many though.
Been in Love: No.
Do you Sing: Hell no.
Want to get Married: Haven't a clue. It'd be nice someday?
Do you want Children: See above.
Hate anyone: -_- If there is anyone other than that creepy fangirl who loves him, I'd like to strangle them.
You Prolly answered this already but if your in Love, who is it?: blind or something? Really?