
Mar 16, 2005 10:38

Just to let you know - Logan's tonsils went very well and she's back at school. I found out that your body has no use for your tonsils after the age of 3 and after that all they do is harbor bacteria. they dont work as a filter like most people think. They only need to be removed if they are a constant problem like Logan's ( Read more... )

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Comments 5

owningmyfreak March 17 2005, 06:16:37 UTC
i'm glad all went well.
you are so good at laying low!
It seems like it's been forever.
what have you been up to?


tal501 May 17 2005, 20:26:47 UTC
yeah..I like to lay low for awhile..this one could be permanent. i have a wonderful boyfriend and we're moving in together July 1st and so i'm pretty much just hanging out with him and Logan and working...how are you guys??


owningmyfreak May 17 2005, 21:16:03 UTC
indeed you do!
congratulations! i'm glad you have someone(else) special in your life (your age;)).
we've been pushing ourselves a bit much.
after this weekend, with the Hungry Lucy show, we are planning on chilling at home. we want to start riding our bikes and get in shape and we need to save some dough for our vacation in july.
in the meantime, i am in a band now and we practice 3 times/week. i plan on keeping my getting out to that and when we start playing.
i'd love to get logan and sam together for a playdate sometime this summer!
my phone was run over and i don't have your # anymore. e-mail me at mtb777@sbcglobal.net


bellacavalletta March 21 2005, 08:45:09 UTC
Wow! I never read lj anymore, so had no clue. Hope she (and you) is well!


tal501 May 17 2005, 20:27:52 UTC
i dont read it either..i just like to update occasionally. you can call me anytime. 214-293-0180


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