Swiped from
canemexmachina Put your iTunes/Winamp/WMP/mp3 player on shuffle.
Say the following questions aloud, and press play.
Use the song title as the answer to the question.
1. How does the world see you? Rockman 2 Power Fighters - "Cut Man (Midi Remix)" [a robot master? whee!]
2. Will I have a happy life? Unreal - "Unreal Crypt" [Eek? It's a nice soft song, though. Hmm~]
3. What do my friends think of me? Seiken Densetsu 3 - "Mana Gate" [Does that even count as a song...?]
4. Do people secretly lust after me? Danny Elfman - "This is Halloween" [O.o;]
5. How can I make myself happy? Legend of Zelda 4 - "Windfish Mountain" [ ... :o ]
6. What should I do with my life? Rockman.EXE 4.5 Real Operation - "Internet Area" [so I should move onto the internet? k!]
7. Will I ever have children? Rockman Megaworld (aka Mega Man: The Wily Wars) - "Rockman 2 - Metalman Stage" [Robot children!]
8. What is some good advice for me? Cowboy Bebop - "Farewell Blues"
9. How will I be remembered? SoulBlazer - "Southerta" [It's a town in the game, according to Wikipedia.]
10. What's my signature dancing song? Katamari Damacy - "Sakurairo no Kisetsu" ("Cherry Blossom Color Season") [KA-TA-MA-RI~!]
11. What's my current themesong? hitomi - "Kimi no Tonari" [Despite Googling, I still can't find a translation for this...]
12. What do others think is my current themesong? Kadmium - "Asphyxiated Soul" (DOOM remix) [what D:]
13. What shall they play at my funeral? SD Gundam V - "Eye Catcher" [hahahaha, my most overlistened SPCs are from SDG games]
14. What type of MOTAS do I like? Matrix Revolutions - "Saw Bitch Workhorse" [What's a MOTAS? *googles* Ooooooooh.]
15. How's my love life? Weird Al Yankovic - "Fat" [what ;_;]