OOC: Journals, Logs, and the Main Community Page

Aug 20, 2009 19:16

This is a Reference Source

Before I get into explaining the logs that are acceptable in the community, I'm going to begin with examples and explanations of journals for the newer members who don't quite grasp it still.


Your character journals are IC journals kept by your muses. The majority of what is written in them should be journal entries that are written from the point of view of your muses.

If you think your character isn't the type to use a journal in this sort of fashion than find something else for the character to update it with. For example, if he is a scientist, then have him post his latest research breakthroughs to his journal.

Realize that when you post a journal entry, it is subject to be commented on by other characters.
Comments to journals should also be IC and anything that isn't in character should be indicated as such with brackets and parentheses.

If you would like to restrict certain information in a journal entry, or even the whole entry itself, to a particular group or character that is fully acceptable as long as a particular format is followed.
Restricting access to a certain person/group is called filtering.
Filtering in no way has anything to do with formatting or coding or anything of the sort.

If you want to filter an entry simple post an LJ-cut that's text reads "filtered to -name of character(s)-".

In this same way you can filter things so that a particular single person can't read the entry. It's all a matter of opinion.

Some examples of good character journals are here:


For the code for LJ-cuts, go here, Basic LJ Codes.


I've had a couple people ask me about how the logs in the community are going to work. Here is a detailed explanation for each different type of log that is accepted as well as a brief example of them.


Definition of a log: A scene or scenario carried out by two or more characters.

Okay, to begin, we accept numerous different types of logs in our community, tales_high.

The first kind I'm going to talk about is one of the things that ARE acceptable to post in your IC journal.
This would be a one-on-one thread over LJ. An example of this kind of roleplaying would be here.

If you choose to play in this kind of style, please make sure you label in the subject that it is a LOG. Be sure to list the characters who are participating as well as a rating or warning. Any other information you supply is completely up to you.

If you want to do a log like this that involves more than two players or characters than PLEASE post it to the main community page for the sake of it being easy to locate and get to by all participating members.


Another example of a kind of log that is acceptable here is one done like those commonly found in dressing rooms. An example of this is here.
These as well would be posted to the IC journals.

Logs like this are expected to be PG or PG-13 rated since they are open to anyone who may be passing by.


The last type of logs that are acceptable are logs that are done via an IM service such as AIM, MSN, or Yahoo. These logs, should be posted up to the main community for the viewing of other members. The reason for this is so that if the characters involved in the log mention things that have happened in their journals or elsewhere, then the players can read it and have thier own characters act and respond accordingly.

Logs posted to the community in this manner are not and cannot be read by characters. It is a player-only privilege.

Logs done over instant message have no criteria as far as content, literacy, or how they are played out. The only thing that should be taken into consideration should be that they are labeled correctly when posted. Entries should state Who, What(short summary of a sentence or two), Rating(PG PG-13 NC-17 R), and Warnings(anything that might offend someone).

The log itself should be under an LJ-cut. Once more, the code for that can be found here, Basic LJ Codes


This is a brief listing of the things that can be posted to the main community. It's pretty self explanatory, so it really is going to just be a list. :P

Mod messages such as event updates, community updates, and important issues that need to be addressed.

Important OOC posts made by members. These include haitus messages (messages saying that you won't be active for one reason or another for a certain amount of time), dropping character posts, introduction posts, or anything a member might want to address with the community.

The logs as stated above. Also logs that are open for all members that are in prose format, once again they would need to follow the same criteria as the other logs.

What also can be posted to the main community are IC bulletins, posts, PA announcements, or anything of that sort that a character might want to direct towards the whole community.


If I missed anything, please tell me here and I'll address it.

community main page, journals, logs

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