First of all, your three votes:
♔ ♔ ♔ Basics
Name/Alias: Meshia
Age: 15
Do you want to be stamped as a gender in particular?: Er, I'm cool as whatever.
Are you re-applying? If so, tell us the character you were stamped as: n/a!
In depth
Likes: Slacking off, quoting things, pretty much every kind of food, cats and dogs, languages, international affairs, corny jokes, being nocturnal, good books, people with a sunny outlook on life, playing the piano, European history, nuclear physics/chemistry, TvTropes, mixing English with any number of other languages, naming electronics and other inanimate objects, dictionaries and thesauruses, trying new foods/getting into new things in general.
Dislikes: Being in the spotlight, pressure, cake, cupcakes, frosting, pancakes, pineapple, thinking too deeply about uncomfortable things, cigarette smoke, teenagers who smoke/drink/do drugs/have sex/etc., spelling errors, tone deaf people, small yappy dogs, makeup of any sort, mornings, treading in dog poop, secret mission 17.
Fears: Death, painful death, unexpected death, expected death, death of family members, death of pets, death of close friends, death of distant acquaintances, etc. etc. Also, drowning in the bath.
Goals/Dreams: To become a translator/interpreter, to teach languages or history, to be really good at art, to learn to ice skate decently.
Describe your personality:
wow this got kind of long and ramble-y, sorry.
Where to start? I'm a pretty flighty person, generally. I'll get really into something for a while, and then drop it the moment I see something else that catches my interest. I do feel bad about this a lot, but I can't seem to help it. There are so many interesting things in the world and it's so exciting to see new things. While I love my hometown, I love traveling outside of it and seeing other places in the world.
Most of the time I think I'm a pretty happy person. I tell lots of jokes, get really enthusiastic, and I try not to get down about things. I'm happy when I can bring a smile to someone's face, all the better if I can make them laugh. Conversely, when I go too far with a joke or something like that, I hate the awkward feeling that brings about.
Even so, I can be kind of callous and hurtful to people without meaning to be. I'm very straightforward and tell the truth to people who are close to me, because I care about them enough to tell them how I really feel. On the other hand, among people I don't know, especially adults/teachers/authority figures, I'm very polite and submissive. I'd rather not make trouble with people I don't know, and I hope that by going out of my way to be nice to adults that I can possibly dispel the (sadly, mostly true) stereotype that all teenagers are vulgar glue-sniffers.
I live life in a pretty easy way. For example, I don't force myself to get a 4.0 because I know that holding myself to such a standard will only make me feel terrible in the end. I generally don't give my all in things unless they matter a lot to me, in which case I throw myself into them.
I have something of a Peter Pan Complex. I really don't want to grow up. I like being a child, having no responsibility, being able to take things easy. I'm fully aware that once I'm out in the world, things will be a lot rougher and I won't have nearly as much free time. I will also have many new and harsh things to deal with. I don't understand it when my peers load themselves down with baggage like drugs and sex instead of enjoying their childhood. Everyone around me seems to be in such a hurry to grow up and be an adult that I sometimes feel isolated. But I like to think that I stick to my guns and don't let other people influence who I am.
List 3 good things about you: Happy, humorous, truthful.
List 3 bad things about you: Blunt, holier-than-thou/self-righteous, kind of shallow.
List 3 funny things about you? I have absolutely no fashion sense (on any given day I could be wearing any combination of stripes, spots, checkered things, floral print, and tartan), the only music I can play on the piano is from video game soundtracks, I often toy with the thought of making a Let's Play except it would be full of inside jokes and stupidity so I don't.
What do you really admire or respect in a person?: When a person can be themselves outwardly and openly. When someone can laugh at their own mistakes. When people don't take things too seriously.
What do you hate or feel contempt for in a person?: When people very obviously change and bend themselves backwards for others, especially when they warp their morals for it. When a person fishes for compliments. When people genuinely don't like themselves; it's really awkward, and why would you expect other people to like you if even you don't like yourself?
How do you think others see you?: As a kid who doesn't want to grow up.
Please try to explain
Mature or Immature?: I would say mature. I act immature, but only because I know I can be as mature as I want later on and this is kind of the time in my life where I should take advantage of the chance to be immature.
Leader or Follower?: I prefer to follow and have direction, but I often end up leading without realizing it. I'm a little bit controlling, actually...
Outgoing or Shy?: Depends on the situation, really. Very shy around most people I don't know, but loud and boisterous around friends. I guess I spend a lot of time alone reading or writing or drawing or whatnot, but that doesn't mean I don't like other people.
Confident or Modest?: Generally pretty confident, but there are always those nagging doubts.
Optimistic, Pessimistic, and/or Realist?: Optimistic. I always try to look on the bright side of things. Silver linings and such.
Energetic or calm?: Energetic, most definitely.
Listener or Speaker?: Speaker. People who talk with me generally find it hard to get a word in edgewise. I'm always hopping from topic to topic in conversation too, and I'm irrationally bothered when I have something to say but don't ever get to say it.
Impulsive or Cautious?: Actually pretty cautious. I plan out things a lot before I do them, and I get nervous before having to do even tiny things.
Playful or Serious?: Playful.
Tales related
Games you played: Symphonia (the original and DotNW) and Vesperia. Played a tiny bit of Abyss before my ps2 broke down.
Who is your favorite tales mascot: Um, I dunno what the mascots are, exactly. Other than those furry things from Abyss. Cheagles, I think. I thought they were kind of obnoxious though, so I don't actually know.
What is your favourite gummi and why?: ...gummy? What? Did some research and apparently this is what they call gels in Japanese! Okay, er, Pineapple, because it's very useful.
What is your favourite accessory and why?: Risky Ring in Vesperia, because it made Grade farming a hundred times easier, and the gradual TP/HP restore items in Symphonia, because they saved my ass so many times in the Coliseum.
What is your favorite hi ougi and why?: BRAVE VESPERIA because despite the fact that it's annoying and horrible, it's actually pretty cool when it's not kicking your ass. As far as ones that you can do, I really like Yuri and Flynn's double hi-ougi thing in the ps3 version of Vesperia.
What is your favorite element?: I don't really have a favorite...?
What is your favorite summon spirit/sacred beast?: I always had a soft spot for Gnome, but Celsius was badass.
What is your favourite race in the Tales world?: Half-elves! The poor dears...
What is your favourite quote from a Tales game?: Everything that Zelos says ever.
What is your favourite vehicle? (sentient beings like Noishe, Ba'ul and Shaorune count): I thought the Rheiards were pretty awesome.
Which NPC gives you murder urges? Come on, don't be shy. We won't tell them. Can I say Kratos? I think he's really overrated Ragou and Cumore, due to the fact that they both had exactly 0 redeeming qualities.
Who is your favourite political figure of the series?: Does Zelos count? I suppose he's more religious than political. Alexei, then, because he's pretty much one big tearjerker if you think too hard about him, and that's a good thing for me. I love having a good cry over fictional material.
Would you rather be a prince, noble or commoner?: NOBLE. Seriously, they are living it up in every game, and I know you're supposed to hate them for being noble, but what are they going to do? Stop being noble? Haters gonna hate, nobles gonna eat caviar and kick half-elves.
Make up your Tales battle team! Chose three other characters who will complete you nicely: Yeager, Gauche, and Droite. Leviathan's Claw, represent! Yo! And they would rock in battle since they're all pretty fast and hit hard.
If you had to get hooked right here, right now, who from the series would you choose?: sdlfkjsdfds I'm a little young for most of the characters in these games. Emil, I guess, 'cause he's a sweetie and not old.
Your favorite spell: Tempest or Eruption (burn, baby!)
Your favorite physical attack: Shining Fang because it's perfect for combos and such. Super Lightning Blade comes a close second because it's awesome.
Melee or magic?: Melee's only fun when the character is fast and can combo the ever-loving hell out of people aka Yuri. Otherwise I prefer playing as magic users because I can just sit there, spam spells, and yell at the person I'm playing with. "SOMEONE PROTECT ME WHILE I'M CASTING!!"
Short-range or Long-range?: Short range is more fun, but see above. I always found Raven kinda tough to play as since it was hard to make arrows connect. Didn't help that he's pretty much every class bundled into one (short range, long range, physical attacking, spellcasting, healing, am I forgetting anything?).
Pictures of yourself? (optional): No thanks.
How did you get here? Linked from the Vesperia comm.
Anything else you'd like to say?: Er, I'd prefer to be tagged as a character from a series I'm familiar with (that would be Vesperia and Symphonia 1 & 2).